Tabbed Flyers

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Re: Software

Post by Anonymous »

Hello All,

I just wanted to transferr and post this idea from another forum (GCD) and my experiences with it.

My experience with tabbed flyers is this...They are a good idea and I have been using them for quite awhile. I have posted them and continue to post my tabbed flyers in public posting areas everywhere I travel. Diners,Grocery Stores etc... The cost of this form of advertising is dirt cheap if you do it yourself and gets good exposure in high traffic areas. I have had good luck getting peoples attention with them as the tabs get torn off but I have not produced one verifiable repair from them yet. Maybe they tear them off for future needs and the calls will come.

Where I think these tabbed flyers work better is in the break rooms of all the companies / businesses you can get them in. Give an employee discount that you can afford to loose right off the top. Give them to everyone you know to hang where they work and at the same time you also visit as many companies as you can. How much of your demographic area could you hit with this method and better yet at this price? One thing I have found here in Pennsylvania is the companies like the idea of giving their employees something for nothing...but don't want you to provide the service on their property. I have been told it is due to liability reasons and if they had every service provider on site at the same time they would have a circus going on that they can't allow onsite repairs. That should not hinder anyone since we are or most of us are mobile. I have had verified results from this method and will continue to target more and more companies.

On the lighter side and no pun intended. For now I have decided not to do this because I don't want my company associated with this form of advertising but will keep in up my sleeve. Maybe someone else will want to try it though. I have thought about hanging flyers in the stalls of restrooms on the backside of the door to be read when you know you will have a captive audience. You can provide more information on these since they will have time to read it.

Pay it foward,



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