Business cards on windshields?

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Re: Repair Kit

Post by Anonymous »

Anybody have any success with putting business cards on windshields? I''m basically interested in working the shopping center parking lots looking for damaged windshields then putting one of my cards on the window.


Business cards on windshields?

Post by Anonymous »

In my opinion, I'd say that placing your card on any vehicle whether with windsield damage or not is a bad idea.
First, take a look at the liabilty issue. Sure, you may get ten customers that respond with open arms welcoming you to "save them money". But... then along comes that one, the customer that claims his windshield wasn't broke before you left your card.. And, trust me.. A repair will not suffice his issues. So, you did ten repairs at say $45 each, and then shelled out for a windshield from a shop of his chosing.. Profit now is a negative number.
Secondly, most shopping centers are against and post publically "No Soliciting", at your idea is just that, soliciting. Most townships also have similar ordinances, so legal issues must be addressed.
And lastly, I personally know of a repair tech doing flyers instead of the biz cards.. Well, he was accused of breaking a Mercedes wiper arm.. Cost-$385.00.. You do the math.. it will take several repairs to make it a profitable idea..
My advice is advertise the old fashioned way. Or.. start calling local charities and offer a "free" repair to one of their vehicles.. Why? you ask... "Free" will net you approximately 5 paying jobs from the employees. If not on their own personal cars, then via word of mouth to their friends.. "Free" sometimes is a good thing, although I'd never do a freebie for a dealer or a garage type business.

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