What method/system are you using on the dealer lots?

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Old Blue 66
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Re: What method/system are you using on the dealer lots?

Post by Old Blue 66 »

New car dealers have electric in the light posts. Used car indepandent dealers let me use their garage for the most part. Many of them dont use them anyway. I have one place that has an inhouse repair and the guy is off on Wednesday. So thats when I go there.
Paul Weinstein
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Re: What method/system are you using on the dealer lots?

Post by glassdoctor »

Inverter in my car for power. 30 min or less on average, some take a little longer but most take less. Just depends on so many factors... some have taken me an hour and some less than 10 minutes.

So many ways to do HLR. Ideally, IMO you should be equipped to work with multiple methods and learn what to use in each situation. There are ways to speed up HLR, both by learning what corners to cut and what system to use on a given job. This isn't discussed much, I would guess because nobody wants to admit to cutting corners or doing a half-ass job. And it's a Delta forum so it's unclear what's "ok" to post regarding competing methods and products. using different systems on different cars. Let's just say that Delta's system has a lot of things going for it, but speed isn't one of them... at least not if you follow the directions. Might want to experiment a little more.... :shock: lol

With experience, you might be able to come up with ways to offer a "cheap and dirty" HLR process in certain circumstances. Might be that your $40 normal rate is too much for the older bone row cars, but a discounted price for a "quickie job" makes everyone happy. Just make it very clear to the dealer. You don't want any confusion here, so you don't screw up your reputation or ability to charge your standard rates for standard jobs, etc. I've had dealers come out and ask me if I can do a specific older car a little cheaper than normal.... fully aware that the end results may not match what I would normally get. Sometimes it's ok to only polish a turd to a 75% shine instead of 100% cause it still looks way better than the dull turd. Then again, you may find ways to cut the work/time in half, but still have 100% shiny turds. :lol:
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