Chip Savers Marketing

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Re: Business

Post by Anonymous »

I have been purchasing chip saver cards from Delta Kits, I stamp each card with Free Rock Chip Repair and a phone number, and give them with the receipt to select customers to put on new chips they get till they can call me for the repair.

I also use them when a car comes in with chips, but does not decide to have the repair done at that time. I ask them if I can put a chip saver on their windshield to protect it until they can get it repaired, this has worked well and I get a lot that come back with a chip saver on it, they remember where they got it.

I looked into dropping off a small stack of cards stamped with my info at several insurance agent offices in hopes that they would pass them along to their customers, but for about 15 cents per card, that wasn't an economical option for me, maybe some day.

I read a post recently about someone that got a flier placed under their windshield wipers, and there was a chip saver sticker on a chip they had, telling them what the chip saver was and where they could go to get it repaired permanantly, I think this is a good idea however I am reluctant to go sticking stickers on people's glass without their permission, I wonder if there is any legal problem with that, probably different for each community.

Does anyone kow any other ways to use these as marketing tools?

And does anyone know where to get them for less money, and with options for logo's or colors or anything?

I hope this helps someone, and if you can help me then Thank you.

Omni Glass Repair (OGR)

Chip Savers Marketing

Post by Anonymous »

The National Windshield Repair Association sells savers for 10 -11 cents apiece depending on the volume you buy.

You have to be a member to purchase them.

Mike Burstein
Dominion Windshield Repair Inc

Re: Chip Savers Marketing

Post by Anonymous »


I still use the chip savers that came with my DELTA KIT. I am a little reluctant to start placing them on windshields without permission. You see, even though your intentions are good people might not see it like that. Instead they might see it as there personal property and you have no business touching it. You will have to make that call...I have not really used them in any marketing other than handing them out to customers for future needs. Maybe you might try sending them out in the local mail for your service area. As for making them stand out and be unique, maybe try your local professional printer. If they can't do it they probably could refer you to someone who can. Theres also the old faithful internet.

Sorry I could not be of more assistance on this one.

Pay it foward,



Re: Chip Savers Marketing

Post by Anonymous »

Placing anything on a customers car is a no-no. It's very simple, think of how you would feel if you came out from shopping and saw something placed on your windshield! Most of us would be irate, and so would our potential customers. In practice you will generate very few leads with this form of marketing, but what you will do is upset many otherwise potential customers. A free marketing tip: It is very difficult to motivate a customer to use our service, it is far easier (and more effective) to be accessible when he or she is looking for you. Need proof? Compare how many times your window stickers work against how many times someone has approached you when you were doing a repair and ended up having their windshield repaired. See what I mean. Bill


Post by Guest »

Another problem with this type of advertising happened to a customer of ours one time.

He went around and put flyers on cars, and someone accused him of actually putting the break in the windshield, said it had not been there before. Whether he just happened to notice it, or wanted it repaired for free I don't know...Better not to mess with someone's car without permission.

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.

Re: reply

Post by Anonymous »

As I mentioned in my promo tips post a couple of weeks ago, when someone did this for me, I was actually appreciative of it.
Then again, I knew I had a chip, the clear sticker made sense, and it was about 15 years ago.
Different times!
Now we have to be so careful in what we say let alone what we do.

I think I would have a clear sticker stapled to a flyer to place under the wiper arm of vehicles that I notice have chips. It's their choice then if they want to seal the chip with it. Of course even placing the flyer under the wiper brings you in some contact with the car.

Different times

Post by Anonymous »

Well that is actually what I was considering, was to staple a chip to a flier telling them what its for and who to call for a permanant repair. Around here people are used to finding things on their window, I came out of the movie theatre just the other night and there were 2 different things on my windshield.

Omni Glass Repair

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