Direct Billing Letter

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Delta at Expo

Post by Anonymous »

In searching the web I have only found a couple samples of an effective letter used by independent glass shops to send with their invoices. Allowing them to direct bill the insurance companies, forcing them to keep the information confidential. And keeping the insurance companies from routing them to a network like SGC. I have read that these are being used successfully by others, and don't have the money at this time to pay a lawyer to write me one.
Is anyone using something of this nature?
I have read the previous posts and those on other forums stating that these are being used successfully by others.
I don't have a membership with IGA to be able to search their archives, so I am somewhat limited.
Even if it is partial, or just information that needs to be on it, I may be able to come up with a rough draft and have people smarter than me work on the grammar.

Thank you bfenne for your helpful posts already in this matter.

I greatly appreciate any response to this, Thank you all.

Omni Glass Repair

Direct Billing Letter

Post by Anonymous »


The best I can do is what was posted. Try the GLASSBYTES site and search. You should be able to find some letters. I don't know how effective they will be but if you can't afford a lawyer right now they might get you by. Stop by a college and see if they have a law dept. You might find a student interested in some quick cash or even a case of beer.

Pay it foward,



Re: Direct Billing Letter

Post by Anonymous »

Good idea, Thanks Brian

Re: Direct Billing Letter

Post by Anonymous »

Aparently no one else uses this form of direct billing..


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