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re: tent

Posted: May 20th, 2003, 8:15 pm
by Anonymous
Our company works primarily from tent locations and mobile jobs. we are nation wide so I think I may be able to give a couple of tips.

While I cant really spellout a way to approach these different people I can tell you what to look for.

different locals require different contacts. for instance, if you are approaching a gas station most times the owner of the station and the property owner are one in the same. now if you are looking at a shopping mall you will be looking to contact the leasing agent. at locals like this in our experiance it is just like oppening a store in their mall there is a contract and a set lease price.

What ever the case may be you will want to ask questions of what ever businesses may be at that location. most times you will find out right away who you will need to talk to in order to do business.

well I hope this helps a little
let me know if there is any other info I might be able to clarify for you

Re: re: tent

Posted: May 24th, 2003, 1:25 pm
by Anonymous
If I remember right, you are from Oregon. What particular laws do you have to meet in order to set up a tent location. Do you do business with gas or service stations? Are any special permitts available?

Thanks in advance.

WiseCrack Windshields, LLC.


Posted: May 26th, 2003, 6:07 pm
by Anonymous

We have only been running in oregon for a few months but typicly all we need are standard business licences. from there we usually enter into a leasing contract with the property owner. each one of my tech.'s has a copy of them at each site in case we get a visit from city or state officials. (rare but some times they want to make sure we're on te up&up)

To the best of my knowledge no special permits are needed to operate a tent site (at least in this state) and yes we do business with gas stations, they have a tendancy to be great locations.

Re: Laws...

Posted: May 27th, 2003, 6:19 am
by Anonymous
Thanks for the heads up. I do appreciate your input with this topic. It seems to me that when i see a tent up somewhere that the next day they are nowhere to be found; however, you say that most of your companies work is at tent location and/or mobile... with that said, how long will you have a tent set up at a local gas station before moving on, or do you simply stay in one place all year?? Thanks again for your input. It is greatly appreciated, Not just by myself, but by most who have an opportunity to read it.

Thanks again,
WiseCrack Windshields, LLC.


Posted: May 27th, 2003, 11:01 am
by Anonymous
Hi, I'm Bill and I'm located in Southern California. EZ-Up tents are a great way to attract customers. However, I found out real quick that the tents are not allowed in California for working on vehicles. First, you need to find out what the requirements are for licensing and permits in your state and community/city. If allowed, the best places are where you have a lot of drive by traffic. For instance, a shopping mall that is not located on a dead end street, a strip mall, etc. The people to contact are the owners of the property you want to get into or the property managers. If you are own your own you will have to cold contact. The names of property managers are normally posted somewhere on the property such as on an empty suite, a sign by the entrance of the property or on a marquee. They will also have their telephone numbers posted. You will probably have to have some presentation on paper to send the person who manages the property. As far as paying for the space you need, I was paying $20 for each day that I wanted to work in a month. The entire amount was payable at the beginning of the month. You can work out a flat rate for the month or a percentage of your gross. Depending on the volume you expect to do, a starting point woud be around $400 a month. It could be more if you do a lot of volume. If go for the percentage, 15 to 20% would be good. If you sat at your site all day and did no jobs, you wouldn't have to pay any thing for that day.

Re: Setting up Tent Locations

Posted: June 16th, 2003, 7:58 pm
by Anonymous
WiseCrack, diferent locations dictate difernt behavior. some locations provide steady work all year round others hve a rise and fall in business. the reason you may have see tent once and then not again may be several. we track our productivity, i it starts to fall at one location we will relocate. later on we may come bac and usually it will be to a warm welcom (were have you been? etc.) other reasons may be suc as one guy who wrks wit us... he is a retired older gy who does nothing but travel, when he stops for a few dys he will set up his tent and do business for a day or two and then he's on the move again. other reasons may be tat the person didnt actually have permission to be there so the had no choice but to leave. most times we wil establish a list of locatons thatare willing to have us do businss tere and move around between tem as the productivity dictates.

Re: Setting up Tent Locations

Posted: June 16th, 2003, 8:00 pm
by Anonymous
excuse the spelling (new key board)

Re: Setting up Tent Locations

Posted: June 29th, 2003, 3:10 pm
by Anonymous
Hello everyone- I'm new to this so I hope this works.
I live in Littleton, CO and am having a really hard time with the permits and zoning any where around here for a tent. I have called counties, close cities, etc and haven't come up with anything anyone will approve if it is a "temporary structure". Any ideas? This is deffinantlly something to check into before jumpin out there and doing it. Karen

Re: Setting up Tent Locations

Posted: June 29th, 2003, 7:10 pm
by Anonymous
I have never heard of such zoning restrictions outside a commercial area. The stores that do contracts with the tent many times have their own tents for various clearance sales etc. I did have a case where a city official came up to check for the business licence and lease contract though, so it does happen!

Re: Setting up Tent Locations

Posted: July 1st, 2003, 4:50 pm
by Anonymous
I love the idea of the tent set up but I just have a few concerns. I would imagine that a temporary tent location might force you charge a different (MUCH LOWER) rate? Are you taking customers names to do repairs at a later time or do the people wait on the car right then? Lastly, the mobility of the set up would lead me to beleive that you either move a lot or find a honey hole and stay there. Is that true.
Thanks Gary