Personal Agendas

The Windshield Repair Forum water cooler for topics that do not belong in another forum. Feel free to put your feet up, relax, and get to know each other!
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Personal Agendas

Post by Bois »

I use to enjoy reading threads/post on this forum because I was able to learn a lot from other tech's experiences, problems, solutions and wisdom. Lately, however, it seems every thread begins with a reasonable question or comment and ends up completely off subject and a forum for personal agenda. If I want advice on legal or civic issues, I'll go elsewhere. Take the recent thread on "Drying out repairs in the cold." It started by a tech sharing his method of drying out a break and ended up in a debate on the pros & cons of tent vendors and whether certification is good or bad. Discussions of this type should be posted elsewhere and not waste the space or time of us techs who are interested in learning techniques, etc. I'm glad that DK closed the thread.

While I'm at it, why are some so concerned with a member's profile? A member's location is the only part of a profile that helps us respond to a question. Nothing else matters. Even what type resin or equipment one uses changes frequently and should not be part of a profile.

And then there's the posters who don't use the education that's provided every 6th grader. I'm talking about people who don't use capital letters; who don't punctuate at all; and who don't know how to structure a sentence or paragraph. It's like listening to someone talk in mono-tone. And, it takes too much energy to mentally figure out what the poster is saying. :eusa_booh

I've said my peace. Don't expect any response.
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Re: Personal Agendas

Post by Lee »

how u get hat on over halo?
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Re: Personal Agendas

Post by GlasWeldTech »

I agree lots of threads get taken away from the original origin. Just human nature I guess. I am ONE of the ones you are probably refering to about the member profiles so I will explain my thinking. I could care less what injector or resins one uses. I would like to see one take the time to fill out his location and other things one wants us to know about themselves. Why would I want to reply to someone seeking advice and whom wants my opinions or guidance when they don't think enough about the other members of this forum to tell us something about themselves? I think it is just a courtesy to us. Maybe I am being anal but that is how I feel.Hopefully my punctuation and spelling is up to par here now and I have crossed my t's and dotted my i's. One can learn a great deal about just about any question they may have if they would use the SEARCH feature and do a little reading. These are just my thoughts to your post.
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Re: Personal Agendas

Post by Bois »

Thank You!
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Re: Personal Agendas

Post by wilz »

I agree lots of threads get taken away from the original origin. Just human nature I guess. I am ONE of the ones you are probably refering to about the member profiles so I will explain my thinking. I could care less what injector or resins one uses. I would like to see one take the time to fill out his location and other things one wants us to know about themselves. Why would I want to reply to someone seeking advice and whom wants my opinions or guidance when they don't think enough about the other members of this forum to tell us something about themselves? I think it is just a courtesy to us. Maybe I am being anal but that is how I feel.Hopefully my punctuation and spelling is up to par here now and I have crossed my t's and dotted my i's. One can learn a great deal about just about any question they may have if they would use the SEARCH feature and do a little reading. These are just my thoughts to your post
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