Happy Thanksgiving!!

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Delta Kits customers!

Post by Guest »

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from the Delta Kits family!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Post by Anonymous »

Ditto Jeff.

This is a great time of year to pitch in and help your fellow man. Get started now and let it carry over all year long.

Volunteer in a soup kitchen it'll make you realize how good you have it.

Pick an inner city family and buy presents for the kids. It'll put a smile on a hopeless face.

Make a few sack lunches that would make a king jealous and take them to the homeless underneath the bridge.

Be a big brother or sister to a single parent child and let them know you care about their future.

Rent a Santa costume and go in unanounced into a few nursing homes and see the faces, of our forgotten elderly, light up.

If someone asks you for spare change so they can put gas in their car, fill up their tank. They probably hate asking more than you hate giving.

Pray every morning before you start anything and your day will seem just a little bit easier.

Be thankful for every living breath you take because you don't know when you'll breathe your last.

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody.


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