Referral percentage

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

star breaks

Post by Anonymous »

There is a guy around the corner from me who does car detailing, window tint, etc..He advertises wsr but apparently the wsr guy he had at his shop was'nt dependable.He contacted me about doing his repairs as the customers requested them. I told him I'd love the business but would get back to him on the details.I have been a mobile repair only service for 11 years but I'm sure I could do some at his shop as well as handle my calls.Have any of you guys had an arrangement similar to this and if so, what would be an appropriate percentage?I would be using my own equipment and resins, and I am already insured. Thanks for your input-Greg

Referral percentage

Post by Anonymous »

I would work out a wholesale program with him. You'll do the repairs for $35-45 and he can mark it up from there. That would be the best way. If he gives you volume.

If you run it through insurance give him $10-$15.

That's how I would do it.



Post by Anonymous »

I do mostly tinting now and have an arangement with a friend who owns a hand car wash and if he books a tint I pay him 22% of the job, he supplies me with a bay to work in and calls me to see when I can tint the vehicle.

I would just give him a $ amount and if your mobile you could either be thier on a certain day all day for repairs or each afternoon. then again he could just give you a list of the customers requiring wrp and you could call them and service them at home or work witch would relive the customers from having to give up thier time to meet you at the shop.

Re: referral

Post by Guest »

Welcome to the forums Sprinter!

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.


Post by Anonymous »

thanks I'll start to post more as time goes on. been reading for quite a while and finally jumped on in.

Re: Sprinter

Post by Guest »

Quote:thanks I'll start to post more as time goes on. been reading for quite a while and finally jumped on in

Well great, glad to have you here! Most of us don't bite, so feel free to post!

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.

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