Researching the business.

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

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Post by Anonymous »

Hi, I have been in the mobile auto detail business for years. About 6 yrs ago I was washing a dealerships vehicles and I looked over and saw a windshield repair person working on a job. It took them 1/2 the time it took me and I was working my -- off, and they probably made more $. This has been a while and I am seriously thinking about giving it a try along with my detail business. How saturated is the market? I am on the central coast. Also...I love this forum it is VERY informative and I have learned a lot in just a little over an hour.

Thanks, Talonhorses

Sorry... The Central Coast CA. I have been a stay at home mom for several years now, so that's why I am asking. Thanks.

Edited by: deltakits Image at: 1/9/03 5:20:46 pm

Researching the business.

Post by Guest »


Welcome to our forum! Glad to have you here...

I've found that the biggest hurdle wsr techs face is people not realizing that windshield repair is a viable option. So, in that respect, it's certainly good to have competition in your area, because they help to create awareness.

It's much easier to just have to "sell yourself," rather than being in an area where people have never heard of windshield repair and just blindly take their car in to get the windshield replaced.

Once again, welcome, and feel free to ask any questions, there are a lot of knowledgeable people here who will help when they can!

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.


Post by Anonymous »


Welcome. I have to agree with Jeff in that most people I encounter are not aware that repair is an option (East Coast). So I have to educate my clients as well as sell my service. I also agree that competition promotes the WSR service but at the same time that competition can leave a bad impression in peoples minds if quality is not there concern. That's were you can make a real difference. You can provide a better quality product/service at a fair price. You already have an outlet to customers with vehicles. It sounds like a great addition to your company and you very well could make more at WSR. I would not let the possibility of saturation be a road block in your goal. You are looking at WSR as a sideline to your Detailing company and with your existing client base I would be pretty certain you would make back your investment at the bare minimum. Good luck to you.

The Business

Post by Anonymous »

Thank you both, Jeff & Brian. I hadn't thought about that. It's true not a lot of people know much about the wsr option. I looked in the phone books in our general area and there really aren't too many mobile wsr's. And it's true if I do go into the field educating clients is the key as well as quality work. I thank you once again. If I do purchase a kit it will be with Delta as I am sold on the customer service promise alone!

Researching the business.

Post by Anonymous »

I too am new to the business... and I have been doing pretty good... I know you will do great in the windshield repair business along with your detail work...

If you are looking for a kit... do your reseach... Order a promotional kit from DELTA KITS you will find it very helpful... Also try there live online help they will answer all your questions...

and of course this forum It's great...

Good Luck


Post by Anonymous »


Clay brings up a good point. If you are going to do it(WSR) and you are considering a DELTA KIT. Now is the perfect time for a promotional kit being that Mobile Trim Expo is this weekend. What does this mean for you...well it means that they have kits on demo at the trade show and maybe the would sell them as such. You will have to contact DELTA KITS to see if they will sell any left over show kits though.

PS. I have had nothing but success with my DELTA KIT and I measure success in many different ways.

Pay it foward,



Re: Business

Post by Anonymous »

wecolme to the forum, I too am a detailer for 12 years and now 99.5% of the time am just doing windowtinting for the last year. my first wsr kit was the cheapy 99.00 kit and it did its purpose I made some money from it then upgraded to a professional kit, again made enough plus extra with that kit and am getting back into wsr to go along with my tinting business, I know how you feel working your rear off and then see someone do less work and make great money I never did whole sale work for detailing just retail and have been doing wsr since 91 as a add on to my business. I've never pursued it to the full extent and now want to take it to the next level, I do work for the city and just picked up an acount that houses 1,000 trucks I'll be starting next wednesday and then every wed showing up and seeing what they have I've got about 10 to do allready. back in 99 I went to the sema show and it was there that I saw delta kits and when I upgrade in a few weeks I'll be buying equipment from them, this is a great way to add to your biz and good luck.

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