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the newest new guy?

Posted: September 22nd, 2013, 10:28 pm
by Wayneious
Its embarrassing doing the intros into a new area of life…but what needs to be done, must be done…so, I’m getting it done.

I believe I am the newest ‘new’ guy, however I had an account that was associated with an old work email, so I lurked for a bit of time.

I finally threw my hat over the fence for this endeavor as I want it to lead to bigger and better things is life, I believe you can never have too many tools on hand as long as you know how to thoroughly use each one for the wanted outcome.

I am taking things a point by point basis right now as far as training, tools and gathering my knowledge.

I believe some or a lot of this forum is so very valuable, new and old posts are a wealth of knowledge.

I’m a So Cal man, born and raised in Long Beach, CA. Moved to LA a whopping 12 miles away with my Woman sometimes though it seems like an alien world…If I get the chance the next house we buy will be BACK in Long Beach as its simply my home even if it is like LA…its far from it.

I am wanting this to be a tidy little weekend only business as I have a full time career as a System Administrator for a Native American Tribe but I needed something to get me out of the office rut and to finance other endeavors and I thought this was a perfect vehicle…plus I’ve always been a car junky and working on in or with anything with wheels I enjoy…I don’t care if it’s even going to a junk yard to dismantle old cars to see ‘just what made them tick’.

I look forward to bouncing ideas, topics and problems off everyone here for the betterment of myself and everyone else.


holy smokes that's a lot of 'I' word!

Re: the newest new guy?

Posted: September 25th, 2013, 2:21 pm
by Windshield911
Welcome to the forum