Billing options other than Direct

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Re: Windshield Replacement

Post by Anonymous »

I have been looking closely at the different options there are out there for EDI billing, and as far as I can see there are four initial options: ACT, GlassComp, MainStreet, & Data Tranz. I thought it might help some people if I posted what I've learned. Feel free to reply with anything else you know about these methods and please reply if you use any of them and have good or bad experience with them.

ACT: (Service) ( 888 ) 228-9108
$14.95 per invoice. One time start-up fee of $25
You get paid when they get paid. Usually paid in less than 23 days, (direct deposit.)
You call them every time you do a job
You can go through every insurance company
You can start working right away
You have to sign up with the networks.
Go to the above listed web site to sign up.
You have to accept the prices set by the insurance companies.
But still too expensive for me.

GlassComp: (Service) ( 309 ) 263-8620
$2.25 per invoice faxed in. No other monthly or yearly fee.
No need to sign up with them, just start faxing invoices. They will bill you monthly.
You do need to be set up with the networks prior.
They only go through Safelite and Lynx.
Good option if you don't do a lot of invoices.
No need to type in customer information at the end of each day.
Pay time is similar to any other EDI billing.
They notify you if information is needed to re-submit rejected invoices.
But if your signed up with Safelite then you can EDI them directly on their site for free.

Mainstreet: (EDI Software) (800) 698-6246
$399 For software, (includes first year) $99 per year, $25 per month, $.45 per invoice.
Software to EDI bill and track invoices.
20 years in business.
You have to do your own data entry for each invoice.

Data Tranz: (EDI Software) ( 888 ) 488-8726
$150 For Software (GlassShopDeluxe version
Sofrware License is $149 annually. The NAGS database fee is $150 annually.
$24.95 / month for the Basic Program or $39.95 / month for the Preferred Program
$.89 per invoice accepted.
More expensive than Mainstreet.
You have to do your own data entry for each invoice.

Have a great day and thank you for your reply's

Omni Glass Repair

Corrected Telephone Numbers

Edited by: deltakits Image at: 1/14/03 9:06:15 am

Billing options other than Direct

Post by Guest »


Excellent work!

Which one (or ones) did you decide to go with?

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.

Re: Billing options other than Direct

Post by Anonymous »


That is some great info. It will help a lot of people who want to go this route. It is another option you should always be prepared to exercise. For now, I personally will stick with what works for me right now...Direct billing. From what you have posted i would go with Glass Comp., unless you have a very high volume then it might be worth doing your own EDI's. Good luck with your choice.

Billing options other than Direct

Post by Anonymous »

If you sign up with ACT you do not have to be set up with either Safelite or Lynx. This is what makes it possible for anyone regardless of experience or time in business to do insurance work and get paid. They dont have any liability insurance requirements either.
They do however, have you sign a State Farm O&A (offer and acceptance) agreement, and you have to wait 2-3 weeks for someone from State Farm to call you and verify some information. ACT will send you a form with everything you need to say to State Farm when you get this call. Afterward, you are all set up and can do work through State Farm. While you are waiting, you can have State Farm's insured just pay you and have send the bill in for reimbursement. This does not apply to any other insurance company. You can go ahead and start getting claims input.
ACT is expensive at 14.95 per claim, but, they are there for people just starting out and haven't made enough to have all the necessary liability and time in business as required by LYNX.
Also, after you are established, then you can selectively
use them for insurance companies that are difficult and time consuming to deal with, like Allied or Progressive. I would rather pass on a job than have to call progressive!

Yes, Safelite now has an on line set-up where you can input all your claims and there is no fee for processing.
GET THIS!! You cannot get set up with this Safelite on-line system if you are a member of ACT. This means that in my case, I have to wait until I can get fully set up with Lynx before I can divorce myself from ACT. Because if I leave ACT to get set up with Safelite, then I'm not able to process any jobs through Lynx. CATCH 22.

Regarding Data Tranz, for REPAIR ONLY shops, they will download their software for free, charge you $15.00 per month to use it and then bill you .89 per invoice for SGN and Lynx.
If you don't have a computer, then you can fax them your invoices and referalls and they will EDI for 2.00 Lynx and 3.50 SGN.
In either case, you have to be fully set up with both,
Hope this helps

ACT and Data Tranz

Post by Anonymous »

Yes thank you, that helps a lot. So I take it you are with ACT now? how much do you use them. on average how many claims do you do a month? They told me that if I do more than 50 per month then they drop their rate $1.00 and if over 100 then it's only 12.95 each.

Not to be confusing, I am actually not considering ACT they are too expensive, however I like getting the info just in case others are.

There are a lot of insurance companies that use Safelite. If you get set up with Safelite and use their online EDI then you won't need to spend any money to Mainstreet, Glasscomp or Data Tranz for those.

Question, If you get all signed up with Safelite then do you also have to contact each insurance company that they handle? Or does signing up with safelite take care of that process?

Omni Glass Repair


Post by Anonymous »

You may not be aware that Safelite and Lynx are third party contracted administrators for insurance companies.
In order to do insurance work, you must have the ability to get referral numbers through either since Safelite is contracted to some and Lynx is contracted to others. Whether you use an EDI service, purchase and use your own EDI software, or mail in your invoices. You must be "signed up" with these networks to get the lowest processing rates.
ACT is the only way I know of to circumvent some of the networks requirements for reasons mentioned in my previous post.
Some glass shops advocate direct billing and there are many posts
relative to this on the "rock chip rich" repair forum. (if it is still up) I flushed it from my computer after I got fed up with with continual negative input and "issue baiting" after the host apparently ceased monitoring the forum. However, Jeff at Delta Kits might have the web address for you to check this out as there were hundreds of
good informational posts.
Good Luck

Safelite vs Lynx

Post by Anonymous »

cut and paste in adress bar. lots of good info and lots of annoying pop ups

brian @

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