Windshield repaired wrong

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Re: Direct billing

Post by Anonymous »

Hello id like to share my story, I bought a car last monday and the windshield was broke 12 hours after i brought it in for a state inspection, I called arround and went with Repair one (harmons auto glass) heres a copy of what happened..
""Now everyone can see how my luck is, so the windshield repair man was suppose to call me when he got to town, he didnt, but my fiance did telling me he was working on the windshield......without talking to me(i told them i wanted to speak with him to see what he thought the windshield would look like after a repair becouse i didnt want the crack or it wouldnt pass inspection)...then i rush home from work and he just finished, I walk over to the car and gasped it looked WORSE, and i said so, he looked at me and said " its becouse of the water in the crack from the snow, but its repaired ,(later he did tell me he was looking for a better job becouse he just bought a house) i gave him the check and went inside and cried *have to be honest lol* well within 10 mins of being inside the phone rings it was another repair shop that saw my msgs online, I told him what happened and he informed me that what he did was wrong and that company isnt really a windshield repair but a windshiel INSTALL place, the man was suppose to dry the crack first or it would make it worse it wider now.....well he tells me to cancel my check and call them and complain i did, the repair boss said i have told him time and time again to dry the crack when it snows or rains,,, he would send his best to come repair it , but i reminded him that a windshield could only be repaired ONCE per crack and it couldnt be fixxed (from what the good repair man told me) he told me well..... sometimes we can.. then i said and what happens if you CANT becouse this man messed up im out over $600.00 and asked to talk to HIS boss... he said he would be in monday and i took the names of his boss and him, and told him if they cant fix it i EXPECT a new windshield becouse their man messed up. and he said he couldnt confirm i would get a new one but to talk to his boss and he would work something out and my check would be brought back to me monday when they came...........GRRRRRRRRRR
Im going to tell them if they cant repair it to pass md inspection (that im making them come to... because its right down the road. and all spectra has to do is look at it for a second) that i want a winshield installed that day and i wont pay more then the 59.95 that i had paid for the repair""

please email me or respond i need help fast since he was wrong what do i do contact the bbb or what?

Windshield repaired wrong

Post by Anonymous »


Did you or your fiance sign a waiver?
If you did then you might be left to the there company ethics.

Did you get a warranty?
You might have some recourse there depending on the wording.

Do you have comprehensive insurance?
If so, I would call your insurance company and let them know. Even if you don't i would let them know.

I speculate at the full details. With that in mind, were you expecting more from a repair than is possible?
The goals of a repair are to restore structural integrity and improve appearance. Appearance is affected by different variables that are not controlable. It will not disappear though.

Just some food for thought...GOOD LUCK.

Pay it foward,



Re: Windshield repaired wrong

Post by Anonymous »

Some of these replace companies try to repair with hopes it will not, then they get to replace and make Megabucks.... ALWAYS stick with a replace only outfit, you will get someone that depends on repair work that will give it his best shot.... It seems like you are smart and tried to do the right thing, asking questiuons etc, this repair guy sounds like he was in a rush, Even I know you are supposed to remove water and I dont fix windshields at this time... Some People!!!!! bfenne's advice is right in the money....follow his advice... Good Luck...


Post by Anonymous »

"Did you or your fiance sign a waiver?
If you did then you might be left to the there company ethics. "

No, the only thing i signed was a bill of sales and he had me write bill of sales

"Did you get a warranty?
You might have some recourse there depending on the wording. "
They offer a werranty with all repairs

"Do you have comprehensive insurance?
If so, I would call your insurance company and let them know. Even if you don't i would let them know."
No i paid out of pocket

"I speculate at the full details. With that in mind, were you expecting more from a repair than is possible?
The goals of a repair are to restore structural integrity and improve appearance. Appearance is affected by different variables that are not controlable. It will not disappear though."

I knew this and that is why i asked to talk to him before the repair, so i could tell him not to touch it it he couldnt handle it, also when he was scraping (very hard and wild) chips came out of the crack and it bubbled with air

"Just some food for thought...GOOD LUCK."
Thank you

"Pay it foward,




Post by Anonymous »

The only thing a warranty, at our shop would cover, is if the crack spread more we would refund the cost of the repair.

We never tell people that the windshield will be whole again. Because it won't. If someone has a crack they want stopped I always tell them they will still be able to see the crack. My job is to stop the thing from spreading.

If it looks almost invisible when I'm done that's a bonus for the customer. I always undersell the service and then they are floored when it looks so good.

Harmon should at least refund the money but should they buy you a new windshield? Hmmmmm probably not


Post by Anonymous »

It seems sad that Patricia will lose out just because the Technician was incompetent, A different tech might have saved that glass by drying out the crack...


Post by Anonymous »

I knew the crack would not be gone i knew i would still see it.AND i told him to call before he started. whats he care tho like he said he just bought a house and is getting a better job. BUT i did not expect it to bubble all the way down the crack. only a few inches looked like a hair it was soo thin... but when he got done it looked like the rest of the crack. Its a thick crack now with 3 new tiny chips not near the first impact point. I know this is what you do for a living but you really had to be here to understand ive decided to report it to the nga and bbb ... but after looking at the bbb page i see im not the first thats had a problem,
Thanks for the advice
Oh and to show how they are..on the phone with them the boss had the nerve to say how do you know he didnt dry the windshield i said he told me then he said but you cant prove it you wernt this point i was sooo mad i did tell him my fiance was there at this point he offered to sell me a windshield fo 472.50 today after the install im calling the dist. manager that i got the number for before we agreed then Ill call the the vice pres after that and go to the highest person i can get a number for.
why should i have to pay when this guy doesnt care about his job becouse hes getting a new one. I work in medical field. If you brought your kid to a doctor and his broken arm was set wrong. wouldnt you be pissed that they charged you over 700 to rebrake and set his arm again. I would think so



Post by Anonymous »


I am not really sure what you want here. It is unfortunate that you had a bad experience this time. In the future dont give up on repair due to one bad experience. Learn from it and choose more carefully next time. We are not all like that. Also, from your post i am thinking you are letting them replace your windshield. Why? You have had such a bad experience with them what makes you think their replacements will be any better? Oh, why did'nt your fiance exercise your wishes?( No reply needed on that.)

Pay it foward,



Re: hm

Post by Anonymous »

Becouse look up a SL1 saturn sedan windshield they run over 600 im paying 472.50 with tax or i lose the money i put in for the repair, And my reason for coming here was to find out what i should do about this repair and if it was done correctly. but some seemed to jump the gun with come of the comments ive seen. Next time ill go with safelite a man from the company saw my post and did stop by and cant believe what the "repair" looks like, and said with that kind of work they should replace it for free and fire the man who did the repair or put him behind a phone. oh and if you read my post then you would have seen that my fiance called me when he saw him alrady working on the car, his computer room has one window not facing the drive, now if the man would have knocked first..
Have a nice life
Blessed Be


Post by Anonymous »

Sorry for the typos

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