Number of repairs per day

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Average repair per day?

Post by Anonymous »

What type of advertising has worked best for you?

Re: Average repair per day?

Post by Anonymous »

Basically I have found a car wash in my town that allows me to work off there lot for free, I keep all of my profits. In return I help him out by greeting his customers, which gives me a chance to look at their windshields. I generally average about 4 insurance jobs a day, but for the past month, It has been raining all week long with only 2 to 3 dry days a week. It's been killing me. But just the other day, I signed on with another Yellow Pages type phone-book, Metro Directories, for 140 a month but I get 2 advertisments for both of my business's, they guarantee me 180 calls a year, what I am doing would cost me over a grand a month with Bellsouths Yellow Pages. To most people it doesn't matter as long as the pages are yellow. So I decided it would be some form of advertising besides what I am already doing.
But word of mouth seems to be the best form of adevertising. I am hoping to leave the car wash seen, since you see a lot of the same customers every week, so you possible repairs die down over time.



Post by Anonymous »

Havent done it myself but I know of a person that did 39 in one day (wasnt just an 8 hour shift tho...)

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