Kit options

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)


Post by Anonymous »

Hello everyone. I'm very new to this business and was interested in doing this on the side. I just received the info. packet along with the video. I've read everything and I'm very excited to get started. I don't know if this is going to work for me so I wanted to give it a try. Would you guys recommed buying the Entrepreneur package to get started? Will this have everything I need to get started? And last how many jobs will this package allow me to do?

Kit options

Post by Guest »


Welcome to the forums!

I will let others answer for you your question about the Entrepreneur Package etc., since we may be a tad biased.

But, to answer your other questions, you will have everything you need to do windshield repair, and you should be able to do at least 100 repairs before you need to replace any resins, regardless of whether you purchase the Entrepreneur Package.

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.

Re: Kit options

Post by Anonymous »


I purchased the Entrepreneur package with my kit, and I do not regret it... There are several items that will definitely make your job easier, as well as making you look more professional to your customers. By no means do you NEED the EP in order to do a repair, but you can't go wrong by purchasing it.

Regards, and best of luck to you...

Erik Drake
Pain in the Glass Windshield Repair
Jackson, Wyoming

Re: Kit options

Post by Anonymous »

I also am looking to invest in wsr just not sure what to get.

Delta is great and suport seems second to none. Which kit should I get? Shouild I get the ezk121 with 2 bridges for $995
or should I go with the ezk1201 with 1 bridge saving $200.

Also the windshield Dr system looks good but I don't think the suport is as good.

I am adding wsr to my detail business. Help me out with some advice from the expericed. Thanks

Keep smilin' mr. P

Re: Kit options

Post by Anonymous »

I do not have any experience with other Kits on the market, but I will say that Delta was extremely simple to learn... My first repair ever turned out nearly perfect... Also, I can attest that DK's support is wonderful... I have called on a few occasions and always spoke with someone who was knowledgeable enough to answer my questions (Thank you Donna).

As for which Delta Kit would be better for you.... I can not begin to assume what volume of business you will be doing... I will say that if you are working on a car with multiple chips, the double bridge is a true blessing as you can set one, set the other, then go back and finish each... Saves half the time. Also, consider the cost of the second bridge if you were to purchase it later on, should you find that it would help you out...

Just 2 cents from someone NEW in the business myself...

Best of Luck,

Erik Drake
Pain in the Glass Windshield Repair
Jackson, Wyoming

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