The New NWRA

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NWRA President

The New NWRA

Post by NWRA President »

Good Morning,

As the President of the NWRA and a long time member of the WSR community, I would like introduce myself to this forum. My name is Mike Boyle, and as many of you may know, I am also the president of Glass Mechanix and GlasWeld. That being said, I would like to formally thank Brent for allowing me the access to this forum. My intent is to provide valuable dialog about the state of our industry and let you know about help needed by the repair community to stabilize and protect the WSR industry worldwide.

I will not address any equipment or product questions, although I may disagree with some of you, understand that it is time for the repair industry to come together on common issues and concerns. The NWRA is in the process of a complete transformation. In the coming weeks and months the NWRA will attempt to reinvent itself and create a strong value proposition that benefits those who wish to help legitimize the industry. After almost 30 years if existence, it is time that we have a strong cohesive national and international voice in support of repair.

There are several threats that face us as an industry, we will address them head on. With your help and support, we can revitalize our profession by making it a profession. As technicians in the field have to support change, the equipment mfg's need to be on the same page regardless of their own passions. We are all in this together. I would like to invite all of you to submit your ideas and concerns that we can address, the NWRA needs your participation.

Over the next few weeks I will give you good reason to become an NWRA member, we will be having live webinars on a monthly basis and reach out to all stakeholders in repair, that includes replacement companies, insurance industries, equipment providers, TPA's, glass mfs's and especially repair only companies worldwide.

I look forward to healthy debate and lots of positive energy in the direction of repair. Like it or not, we are all in this together.

Once again, I would like to thank Brent for the access to this forum, we can all agree to disagree on matters we are passionate about. As an industry, we should focus on what we all bring to the table that is positve.

"All Ships Rise With The Tide"

Thanks in advance,

Mike Boyle
Frank EU
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Re: The New NWRA

Post by Frank EU »

I for one do welcome the words of the new NWRA president. It all sounds so common and sensible. Yet, it was time to speak out. I support the following quotes ... ‘’My intent is to provide valuable dialog about the state of our industry and let you know about help needed by the repair community to stabilize and protect the WSR industry worldwide. In the coming weeks and months the NWRA will attempt to reinvent itself and create a strong value proposition that benefits those who wish to help legitimize the industry. After almost 30 years if existence, it is time that we have a strong cohesive national and international voice in support of repair. There are several threats that face us as an industry, we will address them head on’’.

Well spoken, I could not agree more. You have my vote, I am all for it.
The NWRA as well as our Repair Industry indeed do need some changes. No more, if possible, hidden agendas.
Let’s make it a real NWRA where the agenda is ‘’to promote repairs’’.

Indeed, let’s all work together and make the NWRA (and our industry) work (or at least work better).
We are a long time member and I have always been amazed to see why there are so few repair only guys joining. Come on guys, it must be possible to overcome some of the issues we already discussed on this very board over and over again, join too and make it happen –for the betterment of the industry as a whole and above all ....your own local operation.
NWRA President

Re: The New NWRA

Post by NWRA President »


Thanks for you support, so you know, this message was rejected by the some of of the NWRA Board 4 years ago, those who attempted to destroy the NWRA are no longer around. The NWRA is now fully focused on defending quality repair worldwide. We exist solely for the benefit of the repair industry. We will no longer cower under the pressure of outside influences or industries th view repair as a "disruptive technology. It is time to put the environment, the consumer, and the repair professional ahead of all other interest. This will be real change you can believe in. It is now our time!!!!

He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery. ~Harold Wilson


Re: The New NWRA

Post by Layne »

I distinctly remember that expression that a change is needed (the election phraseology). I wish you well Mike and I applaud your efforts to improve our image. In my opinion the greatest threat to our profession is the "steering" that is more prevalent than ever! I have heard the voices of others that have encouraged us to join their association in order that we may speak with a strong voice and ward off this threat. After allying ourselves with them they become strangely silent. Rather than check this illegal practice I sense that is growing.

I am not a youngster in years and have been in this profession for more than 14 years. I read in this forum of the constant battling to counter this threat but have not yet seen that this can be overcome in the courts. Unless you as the President of NWRA can marshall your forces to counter this attack upon our industry and wage a succesful effort against "steering", these outside forces may eventually establish themselves as a "sole source" for windshield repair/replacement.

Hopefully you are the one that can provide the necessary leadership to restore our competiveness and level the playing field.
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Re: The New NWRA

Post by SGT »

Welcome and congratulations on your NWRA president achievement. Your post is eerily reminiscent of conversation we had a while back. Hopefully the NWRA will not become a vehicle for companies, repair or replacment related to push personal agendas. There are strenghth in numbers and you have certainly tapped a terrific source in this forum for support. I here your call for repair technician help and welcome the opportunity for honest representation of all independant repair technicians. As well as promotion of a professional industry image.

Again, congratulations!
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Re: The New NWRA

Post by GlassStarz »

Not to be the t#@d in the punch bowl and I do agree we need an actual representative group and thus far the NWRA has not been one and you promise a much needed change
But I haven't forgotten the deceptive Videos and smear campaign Glasweld is responsible for and checking their website I find the video is still there resulting in my belief that although your claims to be after our best interests may indead be true I cant be involved with anyone who does business the way Glasweld does so Im not jumping into the boat I wont be Joining the NWRA
NWRA President

Re: The New NWRA

Post by NWRA President »


I have been a part of the NWRA for over 9 years, the NWRA has been there for you when no one else was. You may not be aware of the efforts that we have put in to protect your business. I would suggest that we leave the commercial issues aside. The NWRA needs committed companies and individuals that support common goals. I will leave my hats at the door when communicating on this forum, I made that commitment to Brent.

Just to give all of you a taste of the problems we may all face, i understand that Honda may be removing the repair option from there used entire car program. Today I spent an hour on the phone with Honda and it appears that a major glass provider has made the repair option less attractive to Honda @ a corporate level. I know of one repair only provider that stands to lose over 100k per year just in Honda Biz. I can assure you no association is going to work hard on behalf of WSR with the exception of the NWRA.

In addition to that threat, there is a ANSI SAE standard being vetted by other interested parties that do not have our interest at heart. It could serously threaten repair in the US. The NWRA needs support from all to stay ahead of these threats. This SAE threat is real.

The best thought I can share is the old adage "the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The NWRA is your friend.
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Re: The New NWRA

Post by Kgobin »

I spoke with one of Mr. Fukui’s assistants at American Honda Motor Co., Inc. in Torrance, CA today. They denied having any knowledge of
NWRA President wrote: i understand that Honda may be removing the repair option from there used entire car program. Today I spent an hour on the phone with Honda and it appears that a major glass provider has made the repair option less attractive to Honda @ a corporate level. .
so could you please clarify the information that you have obtained.
Korey Gobin
Delta Kits, Inc.
NWRA President

Re: The New NWRA

Post by NWRA President »


I am out of the country, but I will be addressing this issue with NWRA. I have confirmed with repair providers that several Honda turn back yards are not allowing repairs . I will follow up with specifics a soon as possible. It would be interesting to know if anyone else else is experiencing this issue.
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Re: The New NWRA

Post by Kgobin »

I look forward to hearing the information that you have obtained. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!
Korey Gobin
Delta Kits, Inc.
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