
Post your windshield repair tips, questions, advice! Note there is a sub-forum specifically for business development questions.
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Post by ExpressWR »

Hey everyone, I've been following the forum for a while, Figured it was time to make an account.

I start my Windshield Repair business this Thursday, I'm both excited and nervous. I just finished my fourth year of university, majoring in marketing, and I realized (after receiving a job offer from a large Canada-wide windshield repair company) that there's a lot of potential in this industry if you really know how to sell yourself and market the service correctly.

My family owns an Autobody shop, all permits and legalities were handled quite easily through that, it also gives me lots of experience to practice repairs.

I've recently applied a big vinyl banner on my car, I've printed out custom shirts for that professional look, and I've got business cards made along with a fully functional website for information. With how the insurance system works in Manitoba and the fact being that I'm still a student for one more year, I've determined that 2 retail repairs a day will easily keep me financially stable, though I'm aiming for around 20 a week. I'm planning on trying to get into different fleets, hopefully to keep me consistently busy during down-times.

I've set up a referral system with a few local tint and mechanic shops, hoping to drag in some business through that, but most I'm expecting will come from my leg work. As I said, Thursday's my first day, I plan on taking David Coitster's advice (thanks for the information by the way, really enjoyed everything that you've had to offer) by approaching smaller businesses, locating windshields with damage, and then proceeding to find the owner. There will be no script with what I'm going to say, seems a bit tacky and suspicious to me, so I'll mostly focus on building some sort of relationship, selling myself before I make an attempt to sell this free ( :D ) service.

Any other opinions on what I should do during my first week?
Any obstacles I'll face as a 21 year-old attempting to sell windshield repairs? (Perceived lack of trust, expertise, etc)

I'll try uploading a picture of the vinyl I have on my car, opinions on that would be cool. I'm big into car modifications, the city of Winnipeg has a huge car community, every meet/show I attend I do expect to earn business from almost anyone with a damaged windshield (make money while enjoying one of my hobbies, sounds good to me!).

Any thoughts, criticisms, ideas are appreciated, thanks again to everyone for a great source of information on this forum.

Jarrett Mazur
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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by xander »

Welcome to the forum! Your 'business' sounds like ideal for you. What can I say? Well, as long as you've got the passion for it, then go for it! Keep us updated though! Good luck!
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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by ghost rider »

Looks to me like you will be just fine! Being 21 and starting a business can be an obstacle if you let it. If you carry yourself in public like you sound in your post, you won't have a problem. I think the key to my business was doing high quality repairs. First by landing new fleet and dealer accounts with a free demo and doing the same with insurance agents. I've found that a good mix of fleet, dealer and retail has given me a more consistent income. Second, you need to maintain that quality and the referrals will come. Your best customers will be your best salesmen. I see many posts on here that say you need to sell, sell, sell. Well, I've been doing repairs for over 20 years and had my own company for 16 and I think the last time I made a "cold call" sales call was about 10 years ago. I hate selling, so it is very important to me that my customers like selling my service for me. Hope this helps. Good luck to you!!!
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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by Brent Deines »

I don't really like selling either and I agree with ghost rider that doing quality repairs and being confident enough to offer free demos to fleet accounts will help you grow a very solid business with a consistent income over time. I also agree that having a good mix of account types is often better than putting all of your eggs in one basket. On the other hand, it took me way longer to grow my business than it would have if I had been a good salesman and followed some of David Coit's ideas. You put all those things together, always keeping quality at the forefront, and you should do very well.

Nice graphics on your car by the way!
Brent Deines
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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by ExpressWR »

Thanks for the info guys! I like the free demo to fleets idea, it will definitely be used. As for quality repairs, I'll definitely be focusing on making my repairs better all the time, quality will definitely help the customers sell my name for me!

Forgot to mention, I am using delta kits, I purchased the EZ 450D. I'll make sure to keep everyone updated, may not start tomorrow due to cold weather and rain but I'll for sure have my first day by Friday.

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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by candyman »

Always sell yourself to a potential client. Your skill or work will be the source that drives repeat business and referrals.
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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by old school »

Good luck
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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by nixquax »

Sound like you have a solid business plan. Like everyone here is saying...QUALITY repairs will trigger more business. Only advice I have is to stay on top of the new things in Windshield Repair, manage the EXPECTATIONS of your customers and be honest.
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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by RHughes89 »

Its coming up on your 1 year mark; how is it going?
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Re: Intro/Thoughts?

Post by ExpressWR »

RHughes89 wrote:Its coming up on your 1 year mark; how is it going?
You are right. I guess I can fill everyone in! It went extremely well last year. Kind of life changing to be honest, amazing to think that fixing windshields can do that to someone. I get calls without advertising at all through previous advertising efforts and word of mouth. I've also just received 8 tool boxes from delta kits and I've got 8 tents on the way. My 8 employees will be spread around Winnipeg and surrounding area whenever the weather starts to cooperate! Getting pretty nervous as I'm putting everything I own into this, but risk and reward right? I've completely cut back on my degree (1 class a term) to focus 90% of my time on this so hopefully everything goes according to plan! Thanks for asking, hope all is well on your end.

Jarrett Mazur
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