referrals to replacement companies - revenue potential?

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)


Post by Anonymous »

What do you charge the Ins. Cos?
What % off NAGS do you give them?
Do you charge for labor?
How do you bill them?
Thank you


Post by Anonymous »

I am now 9 weeks into this venture.

I have billed out a little over 28k.

Not great but it is paying the bills.........I hope to grow at 10% per month now until the end of the year.

Good Luck all.


Post by Anonymous »

Make sure you have the cash flow to operate this way. (farming out the work but buying the glass) or you will get your lunch handed to you.

What would you do if you have to pay a sub $50 to install and you are faced with a glass bill of 3,4, or $5,000 in a month and have to wait 3-6 weeks to get paid from insurance companies?

BTW if something goes wrong with the install and someone is seriously hurt or killed due to a faulty install you could be on the hook for more than what your business liability will cover. At the very least if the installer is less than competant you could be getting flooded with angry people who have leaky windshields.

Yes you can make a lot more money doing it this way but just have your ducks in a row.

Also the discount off NAGS will vary depending upon your market. So the 28k Auto Glass Repair billed may be in a lower discounted area where as in the bigger glass markets that amount billed out could be considerably less.

Do your homework if you go this route.

glass replacement

Post by Anonymous »

Thanx Cracker

I have been on the supply end of the glass business for almost 10 years.

I am new to the retail end though.

1 million in Liability Ins.

My tech has a little over 25 years exp.

My glass bill last month was $7100.00

I set up a healthy business line of credit to cover until ins. companies pay up.

I am running at a 40% net profit as we speak .

Life is good

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