Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

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Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by Frank EU »

t4k wrote:
DavidS wrote: he may not want the hastle to sell anything so he bottoms out his price,
and just lets people come to him if they want to pay $15 (this way
he does not have to do anything hard to get the repair)
Now I am confused. :shock:
Oh no, not me mate, this $15 guy just can't sell/communicate (or doesn't want to), he is not up to the total ''being in business picture''.
So he simply lowers his repair price, in such a fashion that people stop at his place okay the repair @ that low rate.
He makes things easy, for himself and his ''customers''. A typical format and quick buck situation.
This, of course, is just my opinion.
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Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by thechipdoctor »

Screenman once said to me 'the car lot guys will all TELL you they are only paying £15-£25 for a repair, but many will still use you'
He was right, i think they just say it in the hope that you are desperate and lower your prices
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Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by SeeClearly »

I agree with Screenman, here is where your selling ability comes in. We always sell quality over price and we are able to compete with anyone in many states. Our company has a price threshold that we set, and we will never go below that. If someone tells us that someone else is doing it for a lower price, we nicely tell them that you get what you pay for. We also try to educate them on a proper repair. It is simple, offer a great repair at a fair market price. You win some, you lose some. :)
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Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by SeeClearly »

.......Also, well put Brent. Many people do not get the concept of profit margins.
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Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by Mr Bill »

If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by DavidS »

SeeClearly wrote:.......Also, well put Brent. Many people do not get the concept of profit margins.
seriously? If this guy has traffic, and getting 10+ cars/day/6 days/week, then he is making $3600/mo
compared to some making $8/hr @ BK, then this guy is not doing to bad, he clearly could be making a living,
a decent one depending on his lifestyle...he maybe in trouble if he had to drive from home-to-home (gas)
maybe some of you guys have higher standards with the money you make, some guys do not, and if he
does accept insurance, then clearly he will get more then $15 when he does the repair...maybe he
opts for the quick cash sale that he probably doesnt pay taxes on, and depending on his traffic load, he could
be making between $3600-$5000/mo, as some of these payments could be from insurance...

but all of this is just a guess, he may sit there all day with no repairs for all we know....
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Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by screenman »

SeeClearly, as you say many people do not understand P&L as in the post above. Anyone even advertising $15 jobs is helping to give our industry a poor name.

Turnover for vanity, profit for sanity.

Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by DavidS »

screenman wrote:SeeClearly, as you say many people do not understand P&L as in the post above. Anyone even advertising $15 jobs is helping to give our industry a poor name.

Turnover for vanity, profit for sanity.
You must be campaign manager for Bachmann, lets throw in some misconception, some misleading facts....
why is he giving the industry a poor name? because he is charging less? You do not have problems buying
junk made in china from walmart do you? Was that drill made in china? You didnt get upset over that...

When I told people that I could clean carpets for $50, people like you told me that you are doing a bad
service, and giving us a bad rep, so because I can charge cheaper, that means I am doing a bad job?
I could charge less because everything I had was paid for, I had little overhead, and I did not have a crew..
I could charge $50 and still make money while the bigger guys could not, because they needed more
to make a living, pay their crews, etc...etc....

what makes you think he is doing a bad job for $15/repair? This guy probably got tired of trying
to get $40/$50 jobs when he could just setup tint and offer $15 and let them come to him....

Its called free enterprise, and I am surprised that I do not see more of this as there are always
some out there willing to make a quick buck...if people start doing this, then this WSR will
be in trouble, and your $50/repair days will be over, in the end, this guy does not care how
you feel about him or the industry, he is probably looking to put food on the table the quickest way possible.

If you ask me, he is working smarter, while you have to work harder just to keep up with him....

Just remember, wally has run off many of good local business just by lowering their prices...
wally doesnt care either on who they run out of business, wally is looking after wally, they
are not looking after the small mom and pop businesses, did you complain then too? or
do you proudly walk into their stores and buy their Made from China goods?
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Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by paulrsf »

My two cents -

First, bringing up political references, like the one about Bachman, is (in my opinion) inappropriate here. You have no idea what political affiliations the members of this forum are part of and no good reason to include this in your post.

Many times, we've discussed what technicians are charging for their repairs. Rates vary from state to state, location to location, but like with any other business, over all value is compromised when business owners do not value their own services by charging a fair, market price. Is it possible that a technician can do a professional repair for $15? Yes, I'm sure, but you won't find many of them. Professionalism is not just doing a good repair, it is also your
overall ability to set up and run a profitable business.
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Re: Anyone do $15 WS Repairs?

Post by t4k »

Davids, have you started your W/S repair business yet?
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