The Commercials are BACK........

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just chippen away
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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by just chippen away »

The organization need to help find a way to cut the cord from the network, But I really do not see what the organizations are doing for us independents.. Safelite is ready to make or change all the rules and we have to work with it.

[/quote]You say, "I did not ask to work with them"? Then who's signature is on the contract that your company agreed to that makes you a network member?

You say, "The organization needs to find a way to cut the cord from the network"?

The organizations as stated is NWRA for starters, not us the people as you may have read it.

It' so simple and right under your/our noses.

Here's what you/we do:

Notify the networks that you are cancelling your contract(s)

They would like us to cancel our contracts, That way we are out of the way for them to expand deeper into the insurance blanket.

Start doing cash only business.

I consider the networks to be my business partners.

Yes, they can and are partners, Only if they want us to do the job, They will do anything not to give us the job. Now why do you think they bought US Glass, and Windshields of America? so they can make their own glass and install it on there own and later on down the road they saw they were losing more money by not being in the repair service, so then they bought a repair manufacture.
If we do not cut them off at the pass by having most every customer right with us, The networks will log it as their own job..
And you are calling them a partner, We are all in competition with them. They are also competing with each other internally from all the purchases.

I agreed to and signed contracts knowing what I was signing up for. Much has been discussed and considered including the fact that the TPA "marks up" their product to the insurance company that is their client.
My only issue is the fact that I must agree to accept their arbitrary price setting but at this time, I have no valid reason to limit my business or deprive my customers of this payment option.

AT THIS TIME[/quote]
Just Chippen Away
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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by Frank EU »

If you want to be dealing with the insurance side of the business, you HAVE to use the networks.

To me: that is all wrong. Networks suck the way they have been dealing with the repair people is just not right, I say: networks are not needed.

Would you be buying your bread from any baker, if he told you to GO to so-and-so for your butter?
And if you didn't, he wouldn't sell his bread to you?
Do you see what I am saying?

It is all wrong, unfortunately, many don't want to see it. Or are you guys just happy with the way you are being ripped off, every insurance job you do?
Please guys, ask yourself: when did I start this business, how many jobs have I done where I was forced to go through any network, how much money did I pay them for their crap service (just a waste of your money). We all know that some folks here are proudly telling us how many insurance repairs they do, week after week. Just a quick much money have you guys been wasting with the networks?

Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by D2D »

Frank, March 1st was my 10 year anniversary in business and and Sept 1st will be my 13th as a tech.

Does that mean anything?

Frank and Chippen seem bent on taking this is the most negative/destructive direction they can.

I've made my points clear, including my opposition to the fact that the NWRA will not take up the issues of COPAYS AND TRIP CHARGES.

Those are the singular issues for why I allowed my membership to expire and no longer have an interest in an organization that does not represent the interests of a repair only company.

Again, let me say it clear, there is nothing illegal or unethical about the business models employed by third party administrators.

Noone held a gun to your head to sign up and noone is barring your departure, should you so choose.

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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by Frank EU »

An opinion is just an opinion. If your happy, good for you!
Even you must have seen many changes in the past ten years.
And I don't think that your prices did increase all that much but that is just a guess.
While all the other prices, around you, did change -some more than others, and some went crazy.

Why wouldn't we have a poll here?
Indeed, with replies like this....this issue becomes a waste of time.
But it could be so much better, again, your opinion is just your opinion.
We do not agree, but that is just fine, we will continue to grow our business anyway.
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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by GlassStarz »

In the real world companies negociate for group deals be it a HMO or Supplies the insurance companies have done so but left the window open for others like us to get some of the overflow work.
These are thier customers and they choose to deal with them as the want they owe you nothing go out and find your own customers and quit complaining. Its a lot like panhandling rather than go out and work you choose to beg from others and then complain when the cops run you off
Again these are the Insurance Companies Customers not yours they can choose to pay who they wish in the way they wish fortunately for us there is a option to make some money with them this is a window they can choose to close at anytime :o
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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by Frank EU »

Pffff, there is another misunderstanding, we have no problems with finding and landing new customers. Unlike many others here.
just chippen away
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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by just chippen away »

GlassStarz wrote:In the real world companies negociate for group deals be it a HMO or Supplies the insurance companies have done so but left the window open for others like us to get some of the overflow work.
These are thier customers and they choose to deal with them as the want they owe you nothing go out and find your own customers and quit complaining. Its a lot like panhandling rather than go out and work you choose to beg from others and then complain when the cops run you off
Again these are the Insurance Companies Customers not yours they can choose to pay who they wish in the way they wish fortunately for us there is a option to make some money with them this is a window they can choose to close at anytime :o

You are almost right about "the Insurance Companies Customers not yours". They are ours when they call us to do the job and have their insurance pay the bill, The ones that call their agent may or may not be referring us the work. most of my agents try to send the work my direction against what the networks says. They are not to referrer the work, they are instructed to call the network directly.

The complaint is that the jobs that we the Glass shop gets, we still have to go through the network instead of sending it directly to the Insurance comp. and get paid from the insurance company. He have to send our invoice to the network, they send their statement to the insurance company, The insurance company cuts a check to the network, the network cuts us a check. The networks made money off our leg work, Advertisements, and our reputation. They are just a middleman making money off of us for nothing.

If they would set it up to were if we find work we send the invoice to the insurance and get paid from the insurance directly, no middleman, and if the network gets the call directly from a customer that does not know were to go for there work to be done, then the network calls us the shop, then OK, they can have there referral fee for distributing the job out.

This is were we can possibly keep the insurance loss reports down for all the agents and the company its self.
Do you see the point we are trying to voice out...
Just Chippen Away
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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by Glassdoc »

Ok, my 2 cents.. I've been in business 18 years.. (maybe longer, its been a long weekend). I cancelled my contract with the networks some 8 years ago. Why? Obvious reason was the fact they would pay the same $45 (back in the day) to do a job a block away as one 40 miles away. And when Safelite stopped subcontracting to the little guys and doing repairs themselves. the 40 mile away jobs became more frequent. I can't make money if, I spend 2 and a half hours in travel time to do a 20 minute job. (Philly traffic sux).

Did it hurt my bottom line. Maybe, who knows. by the time I cancelled the contracts, I was only getting the jobs their techs wouldn't or couldn't do. (I like to call them scraps). I still do some Ins work, but I DO BILL THE INS CO DIRECTLY.. No middle man. If it comes down to not knowing where to send it, I will drop it off at the agent's office. And tell them to send me a check. No more $45 or $50 jobs.

As for what does Safelite charge the Ins Co's. Years ago, I was really good friends with the East Coasts Marketing Manager for Safelite, (he resides in Jersey). At that time (early to mid 90's) If I billed a job to say Travelers for $55. And it went thru Safelite via referral. Safelite billed that job I did to Travelers for $79.95 and they charged me so much per invoice for processing etc.

I don't know. but somewhere along life's path. I remembered that I am an INDEPENDANT shop. Responsible for making my own living and paying my own bills. I for one, will not be dependant on the scraps sent by the networks. And, I am far from starving..

On average, I probably still do 15-20 Ins jobs a week, however now days I tell the customer the truth. that yes, this nuisance claim will possibly raise your premiums due to the economic fallout that even the Ins Co's are feeling. And with that, most of my customers prefer to pay cash. There is no lie or deception told. Ins Co's are raising rates every day for what ever reason. Why give them one?

As for changing the way things are, right now.. Doubtful it will happen. The foot hold is too deep in the mountain of Ins Co's to shake them loose. Expect it to get worse, long before it gets better..
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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by GlassStarz »

If the insurance company chooses to use another company to handle the claims Who Cares? and of course the other company makes money off it thats what they are in buisness for and again Who Cares?.
If they choose to use thier insaurance to pay for a repair and you want to keep them tahn do buisness the way the insurance company wants and take what they pay plain and simple if not then tell the customer you dont do insurance billing its not rocket science. I suppose if you get a dealership to use you for thier customers you expect the service dept to charge the customer the same price as what you charged and not mark it up? They wouldnt stay in buisness long and there would be no incentive to call you in would there?
I have to wonder about some of the folks who keep jumping up and down moaning about the insurance companies kinda like p#*sing on a electric fence just plain dumb with no benifit what so ever
ghost rider
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Re: The Commercials are BACK........

Post by ghost rider »

I have so far gotten permission from one insurance company to bypass the TPA and bill by fax directly to the insurance company. It's a small regional company, but,it's a start. The agents have agreed to fax my invoice to the company's general claim unit-----NOT GLASS CLAIMS----general claims unit. I get paid in about three days. The TPA that this co used is the worst. I asked a CSR why I wasn't getting referals, He said they don't send referals to repair only company's (oops). Good bye TPA. Maybe if the ins co's get enough requests to bill direct and bypass the networks they might get a clue?
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