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Re: Soliciting Car Dealers

Posted: October 11th, 2010, 5:05 pm
by just chippen away
Now I am going to try this one more time and explain the meaning of the words:
Find a spine: You are going to get a lot of crap from the Dealers and fleets. The spine is so you hold all the crap on your back or shoulders and look strong.
The thick coat: Same as thick skin,,, Again you are going to get a lot of crap tossed at you work wise and the thick coat / skin will shed it off better.
The word is chapstick not lipstick. so you can kiss up WHEN NEEDED to get the sale you are looking for.

I never needed much of the chapstick because I know how to sell my services. Don't judge a book by what they are typing...

Just because you have a kit and or even went to get trained does not mean everyone will hire you on because you want their lot.... I have had the same dealers and fleet accounts for 20 yrs,. Other W/S vendors have had the balls to come on the lots as I was still on them, look at me smiling, thinking they are getting my accounts, even cutting their price 10 -20 under my price..... It is not the price that will keep the account, it is the workmanship that will keep the account one may have....

If you want to continue in this line of work, You will have to fight for it.... Now let me say I do not mean with your fist. Read up and find out what sales pitches we all have use that made us a new account...

Attitude is the number one sales tool to help get accounts...

Now, what are you going to brake down and take out of context from what I said.... WE are trying to help.... We are not going to sugar coat it saying this is going to be easy to get started,,, But I am not going to beat around the bush either....

I can BS with the biggest bad @ss construction worker and pussy foot with the littlest paper pusher, We all learn to walk the walk and talk the talk to the level it need to go to to get an account

By the way, I start pretty early so I can quit early in the day also.... I do not work an 8hr day. I do not need to. The joys of this line of work.

TGD wrote:
just chippen away wrote:If you are not great with dealers, what makes you think you are going to be good with fleet...? They are the same.... lowest price mostly gets the job unless you have already proved your self...
With the attitude I am reading you may even have a hard time with retail. You need to try to put on a kiss @ss face for a lot of people to get any work.... If you can't sell your self, this line of work my not be for you.... Find a strong spine and a thick coat. This is a hard job just doing the selling, the work is the easy part.

Now get the chapstick out and pucker up... That is your new selling tool.

Keep the change.
Like I said before, it takes a special kind of person to do that, I guess you are one, If that's what it takes to be a successful wr person then I have a delta wr kit for sale if someone is interested. ;)

Re: Soliciting Car Dealers

Posted: October 12th, 2010, 9:52 pm
by screenman
Likewise with the above poster, because I do dealers and fleets I work a far shorter day than the retail only guys, I also start early.

Re: Soliciting Car Dealers

Posted: October 22nd, 2010, 1:02 am
by WW973
TGD wrote:How do you guys deal with the car dealerships when you solicit them for work and they turn you down by saying " we've been using the same guy for over 10 years now!" that was the response at nearly all of the dealerships that I've been to in the last couple of days. I basicly responded, "well you probably been paying too much for the past 10 years", left them my card and walked out. One dealer told me that he has been using the same guy for over 30 years (I didn't know WRS exsisted back then lol). I am not very good at kissing @ss and that is what I felt like I was doing each time they gave me the cold shoulder. One guy litterally picked up the phone and called someone as I was explaining my services to him, totally ignoring me. Well I was very discouraged and frustrated to say the least and wanted to throw my kit away, but I decided to not give up and keep at it. has anyone have a similar experience with the dealers? and are they even worth trying to solicit? :evil:
its like talkin to girls its a numbers game keep askin someone is bound to say yes

Re: Soliciting Car Dealers

Posted: October 22nd, 2010, 3:34 pm
by rockchip
Never stop selling your self and your service. I have gone into accounts and been told no , i then came back 3 weeks later and nailed it. You may never know what you did different . But you got it. ITS the best feeling there is. You are the man
and you just put food on your families table.

Re: Soliciting Car Dealers

Posted: November 22nd, 2010, 8:40 pm
by StellarChip

I've been in the autoglass repair and replacement industry for over 17 years and the majority of my clients are used car dealerships. When I'm told that they've been using the same repair tech for years and am getting the cold shoulder I always ask to leave my card just in case their current repair person can't get to them in time of an emergency. I'd rather be the person they would call in case of an emergency than not get any work at all from them. I consider myself a happy and self confident person. I pay attention the the things in the office like sports memorabilia and the likes. Often this can be a great way to strike up a conversation. I dont talk religion or politics. I'm there to offer a service and make a friend. Every great movie has an a$$hole or else the movie would just be boring so I expect to meet a few along the way. At least its not boring. I dont really lower the price of my repairs in order to gain a customer but I dont mind throwing them some free repairs along the way, used car dealerships LOVE free stuff. Sooner or later service managers come and go, usually sooner and car dealerships change hands, close shop and re-open so I try to keep a carefull eye on whats going on in my area. IMHO the title of servant is at the top of the list so I don't mind being of service. Your opinion of me doesn't change how I feel about myself so I never have to stoop to anyones level, I'm on my own level regardless of how you treat me. Lastly, It's been a great ride and who knows what I'll be doing In a month or a year so I might as well have as much fun as I can in the meantime. Where would we be without trashmen and sewage treatment employees? BTW, I am a former marine corps Infantryman and I was taught to be confident In myself and respectfull of others and this attitude has served me very well. Thanks for letting me share.