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Affiliate Shop

Posted: March 5th, 2020, 1:27 pm
My question is to those out here that do repair only , is it worth to become an affiliate shop with Safelite ? I have heard mixed results. Has anyone had problems with Chargebacks I have heard some nightmare stories ? I am not an affiliate and recently had them try to chargeback a repair I did saying it failed. I called the customer the customer informed that my work is great that he owns three cars and the two I fixed are great but third one that I never touched needed a replacement. It was not easy to make Safelite pay me back they eventually did after 4 phone calls. Is this common practice for them to Chargeback a repair that never failed? If so where does that money go?

Re: Affiliate Shop

Posted: March 9th, 2020, 6:56 am
by kennycrane
I've been doing Safelight repairs for 11 years, have never had a chargeback. I'm certainly not always happy with them but they have never taken money back that they have paid me.