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Posted: July 20th, 2004, 4:33 pm
by paintlessplus
Just thought I'd post in the water cooler an observation that I made yesterday. I called on a local tow truck driver to tow a wrecked pickup for me that I purchased as a parts truck. The tow distance was about 8 miles each way. I rode along with him to help him locate it. As we were driving there in his $45,000.00 tow truck taking about 1 hour total drive and hook-up time.... I asked him how the towing and mechanical business was lately. He has about an 8 bay garage and storage lot and 2 employees- a lot of overhead-plus towing insurance :( :( He told me that since 911 the auto repair business has really changed. With the financing on new vehicles and the incentives more people are driving new so not as many used car repairs. In other words business was slow. As we unhooked my pickup I told him "no receipts I've got cash". He charged me $65.00. Seemed like a lot of money until I walked down to the mailbox and pulled out a check from SGC network for $59.95 :D :D It made me reflect on what a great business I have- By the way the guy had 6 bullseyes in his windshield- :shock: :shock: I told him I'd drop by with my 13 year old daughter (wsr tech in training) and have her take care of them- he took some of my cards to pass out. 8) 8) Bob

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 7:52 am
by scratchy
A guy I know has a very successful auto repair business. He takes every extended warrantee plan and also has a top of the line collision repair facility. I think the trend is hard working people are moving away from paying their own major car repair bills. On today's vehicles it can be in the thousands for something as dumb as a transmission. Most people are trading in the vehicle when the warrantee runs out. Easier to pay a monthly payment than wonder when $2500 is going to come from for a bad tranny at Christmastime.

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 1:42 pm
by StarQuest

Your right on point about trying to save money buying used or out of warranty vehicles. I bought a spottless 97 Ford Taurus wagon last year with 54,000 miles on it to save on gas money. Guess what? Needed a transmission rebuild at 72,000 miles, water pump and hose at 78,000, power steering pump at 85,000 and EGR at 86,000 I'm now at 92,000 miles and having tranny problems again (no overdrive) check engine lights been on forever. (Just put tape over it.) Last scan indicated I needed new body control module. So far to date repair cost have exceeded $3,800 and I refuse to put another dime in this thing. I'm dumping this car and putting my Dodge Ram 4x4 back in service. It's a gas hog but I don't care anymore because the overall maintenance cost are much less and you can actually do most of the work on it yourself. All these new front wheel drive vehicles are a pain. Can't even change spark plugs without having to pull the intake off. Thanks letting me vent my feelings, I feel much better now :lol:

Posted: July 22nd, 2004, 7:08 pm
by Lee
Had a friend of mine with one of these put a claim into his insurance co for a lost hubcap. They totaled it. If you ever want to know what not to buy go to a donation center and see what's there. Most are there because of trans problems. Good luck.