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Posted: July 23rd, 2004, 9:05 pm
by ruffburr
Golf is honorable
>> Here's something to make you think about our culture.
>> The following is not intended to offend fans of tennis, basketball,
>> football or baseball. It is, rather, an attempt to put everything in its
>> proper perspective.
>> Ever wonder why golf is growing in popularity and why people who don't
>> even play go to tournaments or watch it on TV? The following truisms may
>> shed some light:
>> Golf is an honorable game, with the overwhelming majority of players being
>> honorable people who don't need referees.
>> Golfers don't have some of their players in jail every week.
>> Golfers don't kick dirt on, or throw bottles at, other people.
>> Professional golfers are paid in direct proportion to how well they play.
>> Golfers don't get per diem and two seats on a charter flight when they
>> travel between tournaments.
>> Golfers don't hold out for more money, or demand new contracts, because of
>> another player's deal.
>> Professional golfers don't demand that the taxpayers pay for the courses
>> on which they play.
>> When golfers make a mistake, nobody is there to cover for them or back
>> them.
>> The PGA raises more money for charity in 1 year than the NFL does in 2.
>> You can watch the best golfers in the world up close, at any tournament,
>> including the majors, all day every day for $25 or $30. The cost for even

>> nosebleed seat at the Super Bowl costs around $300 or more unless you buy
>> it
>> from scalpers in which case it's $1,000+.
>> You can bring a picnic lunch to the tournament golf course, watch the best
>> in the world and not spend a small fortune on food and drink. Try that at
>> one of the taxpayer funded baseball or football stadiums. If you bring a
>> soft drink into a ballpark, they'll give you two options -- get rid of it
>> or
>> leave.
>> In golf you cannot fail 70% of the time and make $9 million a season, like
>> the best baseball hitters (.300 batting average) do.
>> Golf doesn't change its rules to attract fans.
>> Golfers have to adapt to an entirely new playing area each week.
>> Golfers keep their clothes on while they are being interviewed.
>> Golf doesn't have free agency.
>> In their prime, Palmer, Norman, and other stars, would shake your hand and
>> say they were happy to meet you. In his prime Jose Canseco wore T-shirts
>> that read "Leave Me Alone."
>> You can hear birds chirping on the golf course during a tournament.
>> At a golf tournament, (unlike at taxpayer-funded sports stadiums and
>> arenas) you won't hear a steady stream of four letter words and nasty name
>> calling while you're hoping that no one spills beer on you.
>> Tiger hits a golf ball over twice as far as Barry Bonds hits a baseball.
>> Golf courses don't ruin the neighborhood.
>> And finally, here's a little slice of golf history that you might enjoy.
>> Why do golf courses have 18 holes - not 20, or 10, or an even dozen?
>> During a discussion among the club's membership board at St. Andrews in
>> 1858, a senior member pointed out that it takes exactly 18 shots to polish
>> off a fifth of Scotch. By limiting himself to only one shot of Scotch per
>> hole, the Scot figured a round of golf was finished when the Scotch ran out :wink: