Advice that you would pass to your kids.

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Advice that you would pass to your kids.

Post by terryalex29 »

Does anyone have any wisdom keys or advice about windshield replacement that you would offer to your kids in order for them to be successful. I am new to replacement and have been doing repairs for about 1 year. I have read that many of you think there is no money in replacements, after adding it up I feel as though there is money to be made in replacements. What is a good multiplier for buying glass? Any words of encouragement from you experienced techs would be great.

If you have other than encouraging words would you please save them for another thread.

Thank You and God Bless

Re: Advice that you would pass to your kids.

Post by StarQuest »


There was a time when using a multiplier to calculate your buying power to purchace glass competively meant everything. Today things are much different.
Many windshields and tempered glasses today are net priced and multipliers do not apply. (Which means you have to be very careful before giving out a quote for any job) Believe it or not, you can actually put yourself in a situation with insurance replacement and end up taking a loss. I know you don't want to hear this again but jumping into insurance replacement can be very scary, especially if your just starting out.

I personally don't use a mutiplier with my glass supplier. I simply tell them what pricing I'll require to be competive with the rest of the market. They'll either take it or will lose my business.

If you want some ideas as to what I'm paying for glass against what your paying, just throw some shield or tempered glass part numbers my way and I'd be glad to share that info;)

Good Luck
to share my cost.
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