Is there such an animal as Direct billing?

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)


Post by Anonymous »

I have 12 "shops" in Oregon and have been attempting to turn my whole business to "direct billing". I have literally scoured the nation and every glass association and glass supplier trying to find someone who does true direct billing. I would define true direct billing as getting a customer in ... doing the job... having them fill out the paperwork ... no phone call just fax or mail the peperwork DIRECTLY to the insurance company not the network with the price your company charges for a repair. I have talked to several people who have been reffered to me as doing direct billing but it turns out they do maybe 1 or 2 local companies in their area that way .. os the most common refferal I get is someone who bills the customer and let's them directly bill their insurance.

I am getting very close to the conclusion that NO ONE out there actually does direct billing. This has been a very hard uphill battle trying to get the ins. co.'s to go along with my new rules. I will be posting some of my results and how I got there in a later post .. but so far I have had limited success in switching companies to my way of thinking... but SOME success nonetheless.

f you know someone who truly does direct billing I would love to get ahold of them and pick their brians ... please tell me about them.

Brian Jeremiah
Jeremiah's Windshield Repair
Portland Oregon

Is there such an animal as Direct billing?

Post by Anonymous »


I enjoyed our discussion about this topic last week and as per that phone call my method of billing meets your definition of direct billing. I have never signed an offer and acceptance contract with any network. I have never sent my paperwork to any network directly. I always send all invoices and my direct billing letter to the local agent or the home office. It has on occasion been forwarded to their respective network. This is fine with me as long as I get paid in full, which I always have. I have never been short paid or had an invoice sent back. I do educate my customers of there options on handleing their claim. If they want to call to inform their insurance company thats fine or if they want me to call thats fine also. If not, I make sure they have comprehensive insurance and no call is made. Either way I still send it direct to the agent or home office for prompt and accurate payment. This has prompted phone calls to verify service, which is minor aggravation for payment in full. By not calling also prevents the potential for steering.

As I stated, I do believe that my direct billing letter is a major component of the success I have had to date. I will continue this process until it does not produce the same result. At that time I will have to evaluate other avenues of billing. I know you as well as many others have requested a copy of my direct billing letter. I cannot risk my financial staus by comprimising my means of billing. I have no problem supplying help that will not possibly jepordize my company. I am sure you can understand my concerns.

If I can do anything else just give me a call.

Pay it foward,



Re: Is there such an animal as Direct billing?

Post by Anonymous »

I did enjoy our conversation the other day brian and I thank you for your time

The difficulty in doing what you do is I proccess around 50 or so claims a day and it would need to be something set up with the insurance companies as I cannot monitor each bill to see whether it actually went through or not. I need to find someone doing it on a semi large scale to see if it can work in my sort of situation. And no problem with the letter thing.. i am going to figure the whole thing out and share that info when it is done. I plan on turning the whole industry around to diect billing again. In fact I have contacted a class action suit firm that is considering handling this on a "don't pay unless we win" basis. That way thousands of glass shops around the country will be involved. Either way i will post results EXACTLY how they need to be done to get everyone where they should be in the first place... directly billing their own rates.

Brian Jeremiah
Jeremiah's Windshield Repair
Portland Oregon

Re: Sorry, Brian

Post by Anonymous »

That sounds like a tall order but one worth the battle. If I can be of assistance, just call. Yeah, and I agree, I am on a much smaller scale than you and could see how monitoring and tracking that volume of invoices would be quite a task by my method. I will be in touch so we can pick each others brains verbally. Until then, take care.

Pay it foward,



Re: Sorry, Brian

Post by Anonymous »

I noticed in one of Brian's earlier post's on this subject that he had found out "the hard way" about making sure the customer had comprehensive insurance. Even if you are billing through the networks it helps if you state on your invoice that the individual you are doing the work for is ultimately responsible for payment. I use pre-printed adress labels that state the above and have the customer sign below the sticker. One sticker on each copy of the invoice.

finding out the hard way

Post by Anonymous »


Thats a great idea. Right now I go on the honor system and I dont have that as part of my waiver but will apply your idea to all my preprinted invoices and will incorporate it in my next batch.

Pay it foward,



Re: finding out the hard way

Post by Anonymous »

I have attempted to direct bill many of my customers claims as well, and like most of you guys, the invoice has been forwarded to the networks. I have not figured out a way to bypass the networks thus far; however, I plan on constructing a letter. Brian, as I know you can't share your exact letter with us, is there any way to tell us the main points that we need to touch on in order for us to compile an effective letter? I appreciate your time!!!

WiseCrack Windsheild Repairs

direct billing...

Post by Anonymous »

Not a problem. Check out page 4 in the archives, Insurance List post. I put that up awhile back. I hope it helps you get a format for your letter.

Pay it foward,



Re: finding out the hard way

Post by Anonymous »

This is probably a dumb question, but is it possible to legally add the cost of network charges to the bill you send to the insurance companies? Since they insist on using networks, they should be willing to pay the cost.

Direct billing

Post by Anonymous »


Not a dumb question at all. I personally do not itemize my bills to that degree. I just bill for the repair at my set prices. I have had on occasion my bills forwarded to some networks but I have not had to pay for any processing of the bills and have been paid in full. I must clarify that I do not belong to any networks and direct bill the agent or home insurance office. You might have to pay there proccessing fees if you signed there offer and acceptance agreement. As far as what the laws are on billing them for the handling, I am not sure. I would suggest that you just tack that on to your total repair pricing this way there is no room for a kick back or questioning. Just my thoughts.

Pay it foward,



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