Just recieved my DeltaKit

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Re: resins

Post by Anonymous »

Hey Everyone,
I just recived my first windshield repair kit from Delta. Actually my first kit from any manufactuer. I am new to the business. Well, it all looks pretty good except for a couple of Items.
I was shipped one cx100 and one cx200 crack expander. Since I've been reading the forum I knew not to keep the cx100 due to the unsatisfactory remarks I've read about it.
I also wasn't too impressed with Radio shack battery charger. Im not really a Radio shack fan. I thought the battery charger would have been made by Delta.
Let me back track for a second. Before I ordered my kit I noticed the high markup on the 4.8 volt Dremil Drill. It was about $20 more than what I paid for a 7.2 volt Dremil Drill at home depot a week earlier. Needless to say I told Delta to keep the drill.
Tomorrow I will be getting a srap windshiel to practice on. Can't wait to try my kit out. By the way this is my honest opion on the kit so far. Once I use it I will let everyone know how I feel. Thanx


Just recieved my DeltaKit

Post by Anonymous »

great to here mike, test it out and let us know if there's anything we can assist you with.

Re: Just recieved my DeltaKit

Post by Anonymous »

In Delta's defence I cant think of one W.S.R. company that makes their own battery chargers, Some may attach a name plate with their companies name on it, but I guarantee you Nobody makes their own drills or chargers, Dremel and Black n Decker do that better than any W.S.R. company could, If it says Radio Shack Its not made them either, Its Just a Name on a drill that some company made... Its just a drill... I hope you like your Delta wsr kit, I think the wsr device is the real key here, Enjoy...

radio shack drill...

Post by Anonymous »

Glass King,

Give DELTA KITS a call. I am sure the old crack expander was put in the kit by accident and they would be happy to replace it for you. As for the other concerns that is the beauty of buying a kit. It takes the hassle out of finding the individual components at the best possible price. Sure some items might be priced higher but overall you are getting a better value with less hassle / aggravation. DELTA KITS does also offer piece by piece ordering if desired. I also own a DELTA KIT and I must also say it is top notch equipment. Good Luck to you.

Pay it foward,



Re: radio shack drill...

Post by Anonymous »

Hey Everyone,
Thanks for all your input. I did call Delta and they are going to send me a new crack expander. Overall I am very happy with Delta Kits. I've only had one chance to use it thought. Thanks again.


Re: Just recieved my DeltaKit

Post by Anonymous »


You are mistaken. Liquid Resins does assemble their own drills and repairs them when necessary. In glass repair, high speed drills are not necessarily better. The more speed, the more heat generated! The Liquid Resins drill has a keyless chuck and a momentary switch so the drill bit can be slowly "burped in". This helps make your bits last longer and helps keep from scorching the inside of the drill hole or the plastic inter layer.


Post by Anonymous »

Daveycrewcut, I stand corrected, and thanks for the Info, I see your point on the Heat build up, No problem, Its the first purpose made drill Ive ever seen, which now makes me wonder why everyone else uses Dremel etc??? Do You know of any other W.S.R. suppliers building their own drills???

The drill.

Post by Guest »

Heat can definitely be a problem with drills.

We use Dremel drills, because of their long history of excellent products. While heat can be a problem, our drills can be set as low as 5,000RPM's, which is plenty slow enough to remove concerns about heat. Although this is lower than LR's 8500RPM, even those would be fine. You start running into problems when you get up to the 15,000RPM range.

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.

Re: The drill.

Post by Anonymous »

Thanks for explaining the heat effects of drilling Jeff, that sorts question that out...

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