Direct Billing

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Income Resources

Post by Anonymous »

Maybe someone can answer this question without this turning into a mudslinging event like the Glasslinks forum. Can a company direct bill insurance companies? Or are we forced to go through Lynx, SGC, and ACT? I don't care if it takes a little longer to receive payment as long as I know I will receive it. If so, how do we do it?

Direct Billing

Post by Anonymous »

One of my most disappointing aspects of getting into the window repair business, was finding out that none of the big guys wants or likes the small time shop. I did some research and found that Lynx is the primary player in insurance billing and if you don't qualify to their standards, you must go through a billing agent such as ACT.

I have been really happy with ACT and like the convenience of just taking information from my customers and calling the information in for them. I receive payment in usually less than 23 days and am paid electronically.


Post by Guest »

Many companies will allow direct billing, especially the smaller ones. However, larger companies, such as State Farm, Farmers or All State, while possible, make it very difficult to direct bill.

While there are glass repair/replacement companies that direct bill for the majority of their claims, we have not run across many that do not use networks to some extent. At least one, very persistent, glass repair/replacement shop, routinely sues the insurance companies for not paying claims, or short paying claims. While they certainly have this option, most people do not have the time, money, or resources required to continually sue insurance companies.

Opinions vary, as to the procedure and difficulty of setting up a direct billing program, so you need to carefully weigh your options. Many articles have been written about how to set up a direct billing program. If you have not read them, you might consider contacting the editors of AGRR Magazine, AutoGlass Magazine or The IGA Beacon, for copies of featured articles. Some of the better articles that I have read, were published back in July and August 2000. The information contained is still valid and may prove to be helpful.

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.

Re: Direct Billing

Post by Anonymous »

I used to use ACT and it was great for getting started and getting my name in with the insurance companies. I used them for about 4 months and than broke away and began to bill directly to the insurance companies. I simply had to readjust some profile information with the insurance companies and they were happy to take me on. A lot go through Lynx, others through Safelite. But they have been very accommodating, and, who I can, I bill direct. It's not as hard as people make it seem. And it saves you a lot of money.

direct billing

Post by Anonymous »

I have available that took me eight years to compile to what it is today. It's not purfect, but it's a start for those of you that could use a jump start to billing the insurance companies.

Email me at: and ask for a copy of my insurance list. It's free, and I wil send as an attachment. It is somewhat self explanitory with some additional information to help you figure it out.

Keep it simple,

Rock Chip Rich

Billing in general

Post by Anonymous »

What is the process of billing through the more bureaucratic insurance companies and glass networks? Do you have to pay a fee and become a member of each of their programs?

I'm also curious about how you process claims and invoices in a mobile business. Do you need to be able to print or send things across a phone line?

Do you need special software to process EDI claims?

Sorry, I know that's a lot of questions, but as everyone knows this topic is pretty sticky. Thanks for any advice!

Re: Billing in general

Post by Anonymous »

Hi Saammy,

First off if you have to pay a fee to be a part of one of those good ol'boy club networks, you are wasting your money. They aren't going to send you any repairs to do, and if they do you will be doing good if they give you one a month. I would suggest direct billing as many claims as you can, and jump through the hoops with the rest. Most of them have a fax number for you to fax the invoice to. A small few, you have to mail in the claim.

As far as the processing goes, just do it at the end of the day when you get home or back to your office.

There is software for doing the EDI submissions. I would suggest not investing in the software until you can afford to do so, or justify the cost.

Don't let the insurance thing get in your way. Ask the questions, and I'm sure most of us will be able to help you sort it all out. It will all come to you with time. This is not information you have to purchase. There are many of us that are willing to help you out.

Keep it simple,

Rock Chip Rich

Billing in general

Post by Anonymous »

I saw your posting on direct billing. I currently use ACT and would direct bill if possible. I really like the convenience of ACT, but sure don't like losing 14.95 off the top every time I file a claim.

Mitch Langseth

Direct Billing

Post by Anonymous »


Please don't be offended, but paying $14.something per invoice is worse than paying taxes. You must be doing at least ten windshield repairs a day just to make enough to make a living.

At one time, and for a short period of time I paid an associate that did telemarketing $5.00 for each lead he would fax to me, hot or not. He was faxing me about fifteen to twenty leads per day to follow up on at the end of my day. Less than a third of those turned out to be an actual scheduled windshield repair. After about six weeks of that, I found that I couldn't afford to pay for something that I wasn't fully profiting from. I wanted to work it out so that I would only pay for the actual repair or $5.00 per invoice, but this guy thought every lead (hot or not) should have a dollar sign on it. On my part it was a waste of time.

Keep it simple,

Rock Chip Rich

Re: Direct Billing

Post by Anonymous »

I emailed you and did not recieve the insurance list

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