Dollars per windshield repair?

Post your windshield repair tips, questions, advice! Note there is a sub-forum specifically for business development questions.
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Re: Dollars per windshield repair?

Post by clearquest »

I started this thread with a simple question. Rather than answer or choose not to answer, I got a condescending analysis and evaluation of my business practices by Puka Pau, who was intent on trying to convince me that what one makes per repair is irrelevant when it comes to making a profit. I didn't start the thread to try to iniate a debate over business models, profit and loss determinations, expenses and overhead, ratios and percentages, etc. etc. etc. I was just curious if others know where they stand in terms of sales $$$ per wsr job BEFORE any other factors are taken into consideration. It's obvious to me that in most instances it's a number you want to see grow. Yes, there are many other ways to grow your business in a positive direction but I don't recall asking a question about any of that. Puka Pau, if dollars per windshield repair are a meaningless number to you, that's your business but when you start making assumptions in regard to my business practices, I take it personally. I didn't ask the question in order to give you a venue to defend your way of doing business. I personally don't care how you run your business. Means absolutely nothing to me.
puka pau
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Re: Dollars per windshield repair?

Post by puka pau »


While you obviously can learn nothing from me I, on the other hand have learned something from everyone I have ever known or have corresponded with - even you. In your case I've learned how NOT to conduct myself in a public forum. After all, this is a venue for discussion and exchange of ideas and perspective. Sometimes I tend to use the pronoun "you". That doesn't necessarily mean that I'm referring to you, Clearquest, personally. If that's what you inferred, I apologize.

While I was probably condescending in diminishing your metric of dollars per vehicle, you as well were probably condescending in diminishing my metric of dollars per hour. You know what the difference is? Unlike you, I admitted my metric was inconsequential and posited that the most appropriate benchmark was profit. It makes little difference whether you make $6/vehicle or $600/vehicle if you can't cover expenses and book enough profit to accomodate your personal overhead; ditto for dollars per hour. So why don't you just admit (as I did) that you were wrong and let's move on.

You were spot on in saying that you would't be stupid enough to overbill an insurance company - which reinforces a few points I made earlier. The insurance companies, not the WSR techs set the rate. They assume that WSR is a commodity and as a commodity, there is a standard of performance that they assume will be met. Therefore, it makes no difference to them whether Safelite, Puka Pau, Clearquest or whoever does the repair - it all pays the same. And it all pays the same whether you live in Philadelphia or Podunk. The individual tech has no negotiating clout whatsoever. So if you live in Podunk, the better you make out relative to the local market rate. In Philadelphia, not so much. That's why I eschew insurance jobs for the private sector: I have the ability to negotiate price with each account and as I stated earlier, my prices have met or exceeded inflation for the past twenty years - unlike the inflexible rate that insurance pays.

Final point being, all markets are different. I get the impression that one of the main objections to the "$20 repair" stigma is based in part by techs who have been weaned on insurance company rates and then tried to branch out into the the local free market and have had a rude awakening as to what real market prices can be. The tech who expects to bill $60 in a $30 market is going to be extemely uncompetitive. At $35, not so much.


Puka Pau
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Re: Dollars per windshield repair?

Post by clearquest »

Nah, didn't diminish your dollars per hour or all of your continual expressions of your way of doing things. As I said before, it doesn't matter to me how you do your business, Your posts were addressed to me so I took them as such. And once again by indicating that I have taught you how NOT to act on a public forum, you are directing a jab at me. I get the impression you feel your intellect has placed you above others and that rubs me wrong. I think that Professor Pau might be a better name for you.
Let me simplify this for you, if you are capable of simplifying things. I asked a very simple question and got a long drawn out adjective filled dialogue from you that was immediately as if you somehow had to justify how you do things. If you make a tremendous profit doing things your way. that's great! I never indicated that you couldn't do a high volume of repairs at a cheaper rate and be profitable nor did I say doing things your way was wrong. I simply stated that in MY CASE, doing low priced repairs and fleet work wasn't how I wanted to operate. It hasn't been how I needed to operate. I used to do fleet and dealer work and I considered it fill to help with my regular flow of customers. That regular flow of customers as well as an increase in insurance referals has eliminated my need for fill. My lowest priced repair for a non-insurance customer is $50, no exceptions. If my market wouldn't bear that or I needed to still be doing fleet work I would be. If you are in business, you adjust or you fail. It's that simple.
You do have nicks in your armour though professor. You have indicated that you are efficient and intent on giving the customer the best dollar to dollar deal based on the low cost of replacement glass but you also indicate you that you will charge a customer $100 for repairing one of those diffcult, intricate, time consuming breaks that others wont do. How does that really benefit your effieciency and provide the customer with a good deal when as you stated glass prices are low?
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Re: Dollars per windshield repair?

Post by clearquest »

Time to let this thread die. Not going to waste my time on issues with you anymore Puka Pau, This is my final response.
This is the time of year for happiness and more important issues than business practices.

Have a Blessed Holiday Season and God Bless
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