Previous Repairs

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Re: big trucks

Post by Anonymous »

Hey guys, it's me again! Can't thank you all enough for your support and help! What's the deal with rock chips that have already been repaired? I' ve come across a few that were previously repaired(not very well!) and they don't look very good( air, star legs not filled, etc.). Is it possible to drill the break and come out with a better looking repair or should they just be left alone? Thanks,again.

Previous Repairs

Post by Anonymous »

Re-working involves drilling and popping a mini-bullseye to create new access to the unfilled portion. Sometimes it is necessary to drill in more than one spot. I try to work as close as possible to the original impact site to minimize the additional scarring that results, and I always tell the client that the asthetics will be less than wonderful, but that the repair will do what it should... that is restore the original strength and integrity to the glass. Usually they take longer and require more manipulating to get a complete fill. I always use the thinnest resin for re-works, to ensure good flow all the way to the ends. I did a re-work yesterday that turned out great. The client saw a repair I had just finished on her co-worker's car, and remarked that the repair she had on hers "didn't look like that". When I looked at it, I said "I am sorry to tell you this, but this is not a complete repair" . It was a small star with 4 legs, and only one of the legs had evidence of resin, but not to the end. She asked if I could make it better. It turned out very well, with a minimum of additional scarring.

The greatest problem I see with accepting re-works is that you assume the responsibility for the other guy's failure to do it right. I get the client to agree before I begin that s/he will not hold me accountable if the appearance of the finished repair is less than terrific. I have passed on some because they were so messed up.

re: re-working repairs

Post by Anonymous »

In addition to Grace's excellent advice, another thing to keep your eyes open for are incomplete repairs. It's common to find previous repairs that the pit wasn't filled in at all.

We make it a point to always offer to complete the previous repair by filling the pit while performing our own repair. This never fails to WOW the customer and ensures that they remember to call you the next time they get a ding.

Mike Burstein
Dominion Windshield Repair

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