VIN Etching

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Almost-New WSR

VIN Etching

Post by Almost-New WSR »

Anybody out there offering their customers this service? Curious as to preferred systems, costs, advantages/disadvantages of the system. I've done some research, but wanted to get some general input.

How many a day are you doing? Cost to the customer?


Re: VIN Etching

Post by Jeremiahswindshieldrepair »

I know this is of no use to you, but I am also curious about this. I have considered this before but the time/cash ratio is way less than that of windshield repair ... so I always just stuck some extra prospecting time into WSR instead.
Almost-New WSR

Re: VIN Etching

Post by Almost-New WSR »

That is definately of use. What caused you to think the ratio was not profitable or worth it. Seems like the sand or gel systems are pretty quick and could be done in between cycles on wsr? The ease of sale attracts us the most.
Thanks for your reply.

Re: VIN Etching

Post by StarQuest »

Not to knock down VIN Etching but when I operated a full service glass shop and advertised it for 4 years, the results were very disapointing. It wasn't an easy sale. The biggest response by customers was "why bother...that's what theft coverage is for". I also found it could be easily removed using a good scratch removal system.

Another observation made, is I very seldom see cars at my dealer lots that are VIN etched! So....what does that tell you?
Almost-New WSR

Re: VIN Etching

Post by Almost-New WSR »

Huh. I see them all the time on lots and cars I work in general! Seems to me that any objection like "that's what theft insurance is for" is just a request for more information. "Yes, it is, but don't you think your insurance will go up if you have a theft claim?" "Wouldn't it be benificial to you, Mr. Customer, to recieve up to 15% off your insurance premium per year?" Heck, that % alone pays for the $20 job many times over for the average customer, no?

I appreciate your reply, StarQuest. Please continue the dialogue if you have more to say! Speaking of good Scratch removal systems...what do you recommend? (Yeah, we're looking at a bunch of stuff to combine here!!)


Re: VIN Etching

Post by DaveC »

I seem to recall some posts on VIN etching that were made quite some time ago and are probably in the archives.

You can probably search the archives and find these posts, but I do believe that one individual seemed to be successful in the etching business by marketing the service to dealerships. As I recall, the dealerships would fax/email vin #s to the guy, he would setup the stencils, etch the vehicles, get paid (can't remember how much) and the dealership would charge the customer some hefty fee for the anti-theft package add-on.
Almost-New WSR

Re: VIN Etching

Post by Almost-New WSR »

Thanks. I did some searching before and found the same. That's what I am talking about! Also, just offering it to our retail-repair customers (while we do the chip) and make some extra bucks by saying, " I noticed you don't have your vin etched...have you heard about it?"

I was also hoping that some of the new members on here since those posts would chime in as well.

Re: VIN Etching

Post by StarQuest »


Once again I'd like to say I'm not bashing Vin Etching but only sharing my personal business experience with it. When I owned this glass shop (Auto One Glass & Accessories) it was a franchise. Our franchise company promoted Vin etching through radio, cable, newspaper, mailers, to dealerships and in the yellow page ads for 4 years than dropped it because not one of our 30 locations was successful in profiting from it. Our failure wasn't due to lack of advertising or educating the consumer (it simply didn't sale!) As far as explaining insurance discounts to customers for Vin Etched vehicles.... be very careful what you say because you may have to back it up! In this area (Michigan) insurance only offers 2%-5% discounts for Vin etched vehicles (not the 15% that you mentioned) and that's only off the comprehensive portion (not the full) insurance premium. If you really sit down and calculate this discount it adds up to very little savings for the consumer. (maybe $10-$30 per year) The dealerships around here won't buy it from you. Why? Because they don't need to pay a middle guy to sale this when they can simply purchase these kits themselves and have any "Joe" in their department apply it(the process is a no brainer) I can't tell you not to try promoting this because it's possible it might work for you in your area but lets be serious here for a moment! How many people do you know personally (family or friends) that have had their vehicle stolen in the last ten years? I live in Detroit (one of the major theft areas of this country) and I can only name 3 in my lifetime! Vin etching is not as profitable as some may believe. It's a misleader!!!

I'm sorry to sound so negative about this Vin etching add-on when your looking for only positive replies but I'm just being honest and "you did ask the question" ;)

What scratch removal system did I use to remove etching in less than 5 minutes? GT Scratch Hog. Do you think all the crooks haven't got this figured out yet? BTW, I sold my scratch hog system 4 months also wasn't as profitable as a add-on as I thought it would be. To much time, to much mess and to much stress to deal with! I prefer to keep things simple;) My advice is focus on repairs, that's where the money is!

Just my opinion;)

Re: VIN Etching

Post by glassfixerCO »

I have the V.I.N. etching stencils and etching cream that I got from Glass Mechanix and an old typewriter (the typewriter works better than using a label maker and rubbing the stencil over the finished plastic label). I sometimes think of offering this service as a FREEBIE to get some w.s. repair jobs (either as a "loss leader" when I have a tent set-up or as a free add-on when a w.s. repair is completed). Has anyone tried this and if so, did it work?

Re: VIN Etching

Post by glassfixerCO »

By "tried this" I mean "this approach" not the etching itself.
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