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Re: this brings ...

Post by Anonymous »

As of 1 June, I opened my WSR bus. I am attending factory training next week. Can anyone out there give me a quick "first 5 best moves" is starting...a "first 5 worst moves" would be helpful too. Thanks for all of your info.
Bill Darden
Crackers Mobile Windshield Repair

Just opened

Post by Anonymous »

Best five:
1. Look and act professional
2. Get magnetic signs or have your vehicle lettered
3. Make friends with a good w/s installer (unless you also replace)
4. Send thank you's
5. Never think you know it all--we can all learn something new, & dont be afraid to ask for help

Worst five:
1. Negativity of any kind
2. Under-pricing your service or product
3. Telling clients you are inexperienced
4. Knocking the competition (even if you know your repairs are superior to theirs)
5. Looking or acting "hungry"

re: best & worst moves

Post by Anonymous »


First let me wish good luck and all the success you can handle. With that said my top five, in no specific order are...

1. Get as many of the priority aspects that are vital to running your business out of the way as soon as possible so you have a smooth launch.

2. Be patient and harness your energy so you can stay focused without spreading yourself to thin jeopardizing your service quality and possible commitments.

3. Set realistic goals, short term and long term and when you reach your goals set new ones and never stop this process.

4. Don't get discouraged if you fall short of your goals or expectations. Keep your head up, evaluate why, regroup and implement a possible solution.

5. Be confident in all aspects of your business and the educated decisions you make. Look everyone in the eye when you talk to them, Treat everyone with dignity and respect, shake their hand and say thank you regardless of the outcome of your dealings. These things show integrity, character and confidence.

There are many others but this is just what I apply to my business. These things I feel are solid foundation builders that should not be comprimised. At least for myself.

Pay it foward,



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