Sales Points

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

Re: Credit Card & Gen Liab

Post by Anonymous »

I have very few places that aren't already using a wsr company, or they are doing the repairs themselves. How about you, are you still finding virgin territory? Almost all the marketing stuff I've seen is selling repair over replacement - that isn't the issue for me. I'm going to put together a sales letter with the Top Ten Reasons to Call Me and I would like your input. What reasons do you give when you sell your services to a dealer or fleet account who is already using a wsr company? Why use you instead of his regular guy?

Sales Points

Post by Anonymous »

reliability (they know when you are going to come by and can count on it), quality repairs, and a willingness to help them out if necessary(for dealers that could mean you would repair one of their customers cars at the customers home if necessary or make a special trip to the dealership to repair a windshield if the need it done before your regular day visiting them)
It's been my experience their are a lot of people doing this who are unreliable, and dealers really appreciate it if they can count on you.
Also remain persistent, you may have to call on a dealer a few times before he will use your service.

Re: Sales Points

Post by Anonymous »


Thanks for taking the time to reply. Your three sales points are excellent.

Anyone else have any other points to use? I'm looking for a total of 10 for my letter. None of them will be about price.

Re: Sales Points

Post by Anonymous »


Testimonials from satisfied clients carry a lot of weight.
Also, your appearance is another sales point, a silent witnesss to attention to detail. Of course, you have to be practical how you dress for work, but always be neat and well-groomed, and decent shoes. If your personal style does not appeal to the general public (i.e. scruffy beard, straggly hair, grungy clothes) it may be wise to re-think that, and go for a more conservative look.

I wish you much success in the windshield repair world.


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