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Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

I will sign up FOR SURE

Post by Anonymous »

need help , have small yellow page, but no customer at all. any ideas ? thanks ...

no jobs

Post by Anonymous »

Ageless, if you want the world to beat a path to your doorstep, you're going to have to pave it for them. A yellow page ad is not a bad thing, but it is also not the only thing. I found out a long time ago that if I have to depend on yellow page for business, I might as well fold up. You have to actively market yourself in a number of creative ways. You dont say if you are in a metro area, or rural, or how much other competition there is. We tend to view the world through the filter of our own knowledge, but the truth is, not everyone knows what windshield repair is, what it does for them, or that their insurance will pay for it. The ignorant masses are in critical need of education in this area.

You also dont say how long you have been in business. Experience counts. But experience is not as important as knowing how to reach your target market. You can cold call (some people are really good at this), or you can take entreprenaurship courses at the local college or tech school, or you can go to the library and research how to market your business. If you want a short-cut to jump-start your business, get in touch with Ron Ipach at CinRon and ask him to send you his information. He did have (perhaps still does) a program for sale on E-Bay.

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