parking lots

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

ACT, etc

Post by Anonymous »

has anyone walk parking lots and put your cards on cars that has chips on them? If so how did go? have you ever had someone say that you made the chip to their car to get the job.

parking lots

Post by Anonymous »

I have walked the parking lots. If you can afford the cards it's not a bad idea. Marketing is marketing...just getting your name out there and making yourself known. While in the parking lot it's a good idea to introduce yourself to a few people and explain what you're all about. Anybody that would try to accuse you of anything better have proof and witnesses available that's all I can say.
A great place to buy cards in lots of 250 for a reasonable price is They offer good choices for design and the cards are free except for about $6 in shipping, If you want to use just for this type of marketing. Exposure and educating the public on WSR that's what it's all about. The market's ripe.

Prkng Lots

Post by Anonymous »

went to vista cant find these cards you speek of where are they at


Post by Anonymous »

thanks for the reply. I will try this today.I have been doing wsr for 1 year if I go to walmart and I see one I put a card or a memo I got gm that explains about how insurance will pay for it with my cand copy on it.

Re: parking lots

Post by Anonymous »

My link below for Free Biz Cards

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