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Re: direct billing...

Posted: April 5th, 2003, 9:21 pm
by Anonymous
Marty That was a Beautiful Question, and so simple, Why do we need Networks anyway??? You would think that the Insurance Companies would have figured out a cheaper way by now.... hahahaaaaaa


Posted: April 6th, 2003, 4:31 am
by Anonymous
Apparently the networks have been able to convince the insurance companies that their services are worth what they charge. And, on paper, this may even be so, because instead of administering each and every claim themselves: answering phone calls, verifying coverage, issuing authorization, writing checks, etc., and staffing people to do these tasks (and paying benefits to these employees), the insurance companies pay the networks to do all that for them, and write one check, every billling cycle for all the claims processed. Frankly, if I were an insurance provider, I would probably think it was a very attractive deal. Yes, the networks charge the insurance companies substantially more than what we get from them (the networks) for doing the repair. I have no problem with them charging for their services. What bothers me now is what has always bothered me... the steering (what's that you say?... do they really steer? ... OH YES!). I am in a rural area 65 miles from the next nearest repair person. My regular clients are very strong about wanting only me for the repairs, and even so, the networks try to get them to use their own people. I hear it nearly every day. And when they cannot convince the client to use someone else, then the networks feed them a line about how they dont guarantee my work ....when the fact is, they dont actually guarantee anyone's work! The networks play rough, and they play for keeps, and I think if they could have it their way, no repair would be insurance paid unless the claim was routed through them. It is our continuing task to educate our clients, do quality repairs, give better service, and keep looking for ways to overcome and rise above this oppressive system.

re: direct billing

Posted: April 6th, 2003, 7:53 am
by Anonymous
Since the networks steer work away from us anyway, and networks are for now a CODB, why not add their charges to the bill. Every other business I know of, adds the CODB to the bill, why not us? What's to loose?

OK then

Posted: April 6th, 2003, 11:40 am
by Anonymous
Go For It! Let us know how it works out for you.

Pay it foward,



Re: Networks...

Posted: April 14th, 2003, 7:07 pm
by Anonymous
hi, i have read your information on the message board on direct billing and i have a question if you can help i would appreciate it.I have a very legal direct billing letter that I have actually printed on my invoices.i called gmac insurance(new south) glass claims and they sent me to safelite for a when i send the invoice for payment who should i send it to? gmac(new south) or do i have to send it to safelite to get paid? I would appreciate any help you can give me thx.

Re: Is there such an animal as Direct billing?

Posted: April 14th, 2003, 10:52 pm
by Anonymous

I always send my bills to the local agent or home office even if the customer has a claim number or has requested I call for one. If you signed any network agreements you will be bound to the terms you agreed to if they forward your invoice to their network. This might mean a difference in what you are paid depending on your pricing structure.

Pay it foward,

