Referral Site

Posts from Old Forum (Pre August 2003)

re: referral

Post by Anonymous »

Hey Bfnne,

You may want to align yourself with a replacement company where you live. If you start getting alot of referrals for replacements you might want to make some easy money.

Just a thought.



Post by Anonymous »

Thanks, cracker.

That's good advice; I'm working on it.


Post by Guest »


That's definitely a great idea. I encourage all WSR techs who do not do replacement to align yourselves with replacement companies.

Could you take a minute and explain to WSR techs who don't know, what the best way to go about aligning themselves with replacement companies? Specifically, different ways, such as direct trades, cash for referrals, etc.

Also, ANY information you have on it would be great, such as good selling points to sell the replacement people on it, etc.


Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.


Post by Anonymous »

Since I'm in the repair and replaceemnt business and work with some of the wsr people who frequent this board I'll tell you what you need to know.

Talk to some of the smaller glass shops the ones that are hungry. Set a time up to get together and interview them. Find out what kind of materials they use, their response to problems or call backs. I would try to meet with them in person at their shop so you can see their facilities. Are they clean does it have the feel of being oraganize. Do they act in a professional and business like manner? How do you get along with them personally.

Don't do a straight across the board trade. With expection, those trade outs usually end up one sided. Work on fee basis.

Here's how I operate with wsr people. When they send a replaceemnt to us I let them know that the job is booked and will pay on installation. If my installers go to the jobsite and schedule more jobs I pay the wsr people on those other jobs. I don't have to but I do because if they didn't get us the first job we wouldn't have got the others. We do extensive follow up and care on all our clients. We want to make sure they are satisfied and that there is no leakers etc. When that client calls for a repair on his new windshield I send it to the original wsr person. It's a great system but occasionally has some wrinkles. It doesn't work perfectly. But I will perfect it one day.

I pay the wsr person $25-50 per windshield depending upon cash v insurance and the type of vehicle. Fleets are a bit less just because I have to lower the price to be competitive. But if a wsr has a fleet it is constant fees for them except when they do such a good job of repairing. Which is what they're supposed to do. So it is a win win situation.

Anyway if you are on a referral website or get calls for replaceemnts you won't get all the jobs but you will get paid for referring. That's what this is all about we just picked a goofy business to do it in.

Hope all of this helps


Post by Anonymous »

Hello Cracker,

I appreciate your advice and in-fact I had contacted you earlier for this same issue. I am currently trying to implement it. It seems to me that it is a no brainer...more business and company endorsement. why would anyone not want to participate in such a program? The only reason I can think of is that they don't want to part with any of the profit and figure that individual will probably contact them anyway.I will keep everyone posted as to how it goes. If anyone else is currently seeking such a program, your detailed findings would be greatly appreciated and benefit the WSR industry.

Thanks to all who participate in progression.

Safe Glass

referral program

Post by Guest »


Perfect! Thank you for helping everyone out!

Anyone else have anything to add about this. Different marketing techniques that you use when trying to set up referrals with replacement companies?

Jeff Higgins
Delta Kits, Inc.

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